*RUNS AWAY AND JUMPS OUT WINDOW, repeats 3 times and runs out of windows, stares at each one for a moment and runs outside, down the street and knocks on a neighbors door, when they answer and say hi I run in and jump out their window* (Cookie for anyone who gets the refference0
Ed Walter
My river runs to thee. Blue sea, http://www.mbtbuy.com , wilt thou welcome me? My river awaits reply.Oh, http://www.mbtbuy.com ! sea, look graciously. Emily Dickinson
Please forgive me for falling in love with you.Forgive me for loving you with all my heart.Forgive me for never wanting to be apart. Sandra Robbins Heaton
Since the first time I saw you,I felt something inside,I don't know if it's love at first sight, http://www.mbtbuy.com ,I do know I really like you a lot. Tan
My river runs to thee. Blue sea, http://www.mbtbuy.com , wilt thou welcome me? My river awaits reply.Oh, http://www.mbtbuy.com ! sea, look graciously. Emily Dickinson
Please forgive me for falling in love with you.Forgive me for loving you with all my heart.Forgive me for never wanting to be apart. Sandra Robbins Heaton
Since the first time I saw you,I felt something inside,I don't know if it's love at first sight, http://www.mbtbuy.com ,I do know I really like you a lot. Tan
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