And while you're getting some manners, Can you also get a sense of humor, And get a replacement for your dignity because you've lost that, And can you also get a life
yeah it was US-based footage, when tha Wind Rangers are almost defeated in thier zords when tha Thunder Rangers struck them down HARD!!!!! check it out!!!!! you can see their visors slide up and see thier faces
Come to think of it, not all Hurricanger DVDs have that clock thing. The official Toei DVDs didn't and as for the HK Booleg, only half of it was DVD quality and the other half was (naff) TV Quality, so it had the clock. There's no official telling whether this is from a Hurricanger or a Ninja Storm DVD, but since this was uploaded in the Ninja Storm gallery we can consider it as a Ninja Storm pic. Hope this won't lead to debates.