Divatox:"I've got you in my sights Justin, prepare to die!!!! (Launches bazooka missle at Justin, killing him instantly!) YES!!!! Now that he's out of the way, I can go for the Alien Rangers, Nova Ranger & Kat Ranger!" (Bet you thought I was going to say Divatox was going to go after T.J. didn't you? Nope! I'm going to prove to everyone on this website that I'm not a racist by easing up on jokes about how I think T.J. is lame!)
Well there's a really good reason I go for political correctness. Because how many wars in history have been started by Christians since their religion came into being? The answer is: With the exception of World War's I & II; all of them! (And don't think about saying the radical Muslim's struck our country on 9/11 for no good reason, because they had a very good reason for doing so. All evangelical Christians such as James & Tammy Faye Bakker are selfish, greedy, materialistic pigs!
Well, I'm not a evangelical Christian, I'm just a christian, and we don't think of ourselves only. Besides, how did Darwin prove that we were once monkeys? If he was right (which he's not), and I can't tell the difference between you or a monkey! Burn!
The civil war didn't start because of Christains, nethier did the Amercian Revolution, or any other wars! Name five wars that christians started, and I'll ... do something nice.(maybe)
Okay. The Crusades, the Hundred Years War, the War of 1812, the Mexican-American War, the Boer War, The Opium War, the French Revolution, the Seven Year's War, the Spanish American War, the Russo-Japanese War, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Soviet Afghanistan War, the Falkland Islands War, Persian Gulf War I, the Bosnian War, the Kosovo War, Gulf War II...need I go on?
YOU'RE NOT LISTENING TO ME! And FYI, wars declared by Christians and wars waged because of Christianity are the SAME THING, you douchebag! Seriously, they are!
No a Christian and Christanity are two differnt things. Christians are people who belivie in Christanity. Christanity is a religion. And FYI, I'm 10. You're 21. Get the picture,stupid bloody eejit? Oh yeah, from I know, being politically correct is racist. You why don't you put your big white cap on, and head down South? Burn!
Poitically Correctness, that's just wrong. Making fun of us christians.
The civil war didn't start because of Christains, nethier did the Amercian Revolution, or any other wars! Name five wars that christians started, and I'll ... do something nice.(maybe)
中文学名: 猕猴 别称: 黄猴、恒河猴、广西猴 二名法: Macaca mulatta 界: 动物界 门: 脊索动物门 纲: 脊索动物门 目: 脊索动物门 科: 猴科 亚科: 猕猴亚科 属: 猕猴属 分布区域: 西到青海南部,北至河北省兴隆县,南达海南岛 (...)