and also tanya, you better watch ur ass dude, or your going to get a good beating from people you come across, with that attitude. Cux racism was maybe accepted back in the day but now every one is accepted as one and if u can't see that it's better of not living because we don't need such attitudes
It's not MY fault that so many African-American power rangers have been below par and course, I never said anything bad about Tanya, Cassie just wasn't as good of a Power Ranger as Kimberly and Kat were. And personally, I think Aisha is the best female Power Ranger ever, and she's an African-American! And I hate Nazi's! They tried to take over the world! I'd never want to be like a Nazi!
god stop denying it because it IS your fault, Just keep some of your opinions to your self because we don't need to hear it we don't care if kat or cassie is better but just leave out what ever you have to say abt african american people because such comments are not need, if you don't like those people thats fine because you are entitled to your opinion but don't go posting it in places and the whole african americans being below is just ur crap, there is many people like me who adore tanya, T.J & like Zak
Yeah, I like2help people! I thought Tanya was a great yellow Zeo ranger&1way she could've also been a great Yellow Turbo Ranger is if she had the sense2kick Justin's @$$! Also, T.J. was a good Blue Space Ranger but didn't have the experience necessary2BA Red Turbo ranger. How canUdefend sum1who let1megazord get captured by sum1as lame as Divatox&let2megazords get destroyed without accomplishing anything? What kind of rangerRUwhenURbiggest achievement is getting bakedNAgiant pizza?
I was just trying to save room Rider_Dairenjaa! I've been trying to help you out by saying that you weren't Ryuu Dairenjaa when nobody else would, and what thanks do I get? You're trying to call me you?! Well see if I ever help YOU out on this website again!
I should think so! I don't spend my time helping out people just so they can turn around and do a Benedict Arnold on me. I'm too good of a person to have that happen!
Then you wouldn't be fooling around with things you don't understand. I've seen Colin pop up time and again, making no effort to hide his posting style, and it makes me sick to my stomach that he's been allowed on the Internet for so long. He has to be stopped, plain and simple.
燕赵都市网讯 (...) (...) !”刘文芳小声说, 。每当想起孙文辉不辞而别,留下一个病孩子还有一大堆始料未及的事情