morning of his departure for London an incident occurred that changed his
vague imaginings to set resolve. He had sent on his scanty baggage by
the carrierintending to walk the three miles to the station. It was early
in the morningnew arrivals shoes he had not expected to meet a soul. But a mile from
the village he overtook her. She was reading a bookbut she made no
pretence that the meeting was accidentalleaving him to form what
vague imaginings to set resolve. He had sent on his scanty baggage by
the carrierintending to walk the three miles to the station. It was early
in the morningnew arrivals shoes he had not expected to meet a soul. But a mile from
the village he overtook her. She was reading a bookbut she made no
pretence that the meeting was accidentalleaving him to form what
conclusions he would.