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Decision Time

The Power Ranger's must make a choice: will they join Zordon in defending the Earth or stand by & do nothing while Rita Repulsa tries to conquer it? It helps to have seen the first episode to know the answer to that question! :D

Negative_Tommy!.jpg Decision!.jpg IMG_1898[1].jpg helmet-red2.jpg Megazord-1!.jpg
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4EverGreen   [Sep 13, 2006 at 06:53 PM]
I feel like I'm trying to run a marathon here fixing the descriptions of my uploads and adding a bit more information in my comments whereever I see fit! Neutral I guess sometimes, the old saying that there's: "No rest for the weary," rings true.
Rider_Leangle   [Sep 14, 2006 at 02:45 AM]
What does that card say on the back
4EverGreen   [Sep 14, 2006 at 07:30 AM]
It says: "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" TM Decision Time/ The Teenagers discuss Zordon's proposal. Should they join him and become Power Rangers?/ Power Quiz: Why do raccoons dip their food into water?/ Fun Stuff=Dad:"My son drives like lightning!" Friend:"You mean he drives fast?" Dad:"No, he strikes trees!" Copyright and TM 1994 Saban.
Rider_Leangle   [Sep 14, 2006 at 09:07 PM]
It ACTUALY says that o_O, Was Saban high when making that card, And Lightning does'nt strike trees, It strikes the inside of TV screens and makes the MMPR logo Laughing
4EverGreen   [Sep 15, 2006 at 08:14 AM]
Well technically, lightning does strike trees to. And pointy towers, and lightning rods, and telephone poles, and car atennae, and pointy umbrellas, and Wile E. Coyote, and Kenny, and Oscar Proud...but I digress! Laughing Also, I bet there's a 99% chance that Saban WAS high when they made those cards! Very Happy
Rider_Leangle   [Sep 15, 2006 at 12:00 PM]
All true, And Saban was high on everything but Power Rangers, Excluding hiring Justin, But the rest off Saban's stuff, He was high, His Masked Rider sucked so bad that Toei cancled Kamen Rider for a few years just so Saban would run out of footage O_O
4EverGreen   [Sep 18, 2006 at 07:16 PM]
Sheesh! Rolling Eyes You KNOW Haim Saban is doing a terrible job of editing Japanese footage with American footage when the Japanese temporarily stops providing footage for Haim Saban to use! Shocked In fact, the only "Masked Rider" footage I DID like was the MMPR/"Masked Rider" teamup! Surprised That was the only HALFWAY decent job Haim Saban EVER managed to do with "Masked Rider!" Idea
Rider_Leangle   [Sep 18, 2006 at 07:18 PM]
Yeah, I saw one episode of the actual series, *Bomb Drop Sounds (Weeeeee BOOM!!!)* But yeah, Saban only made 3 successes, Power Rangers, Digimon and Beyblade,
4EverGreen   [Sep 18, 2006 at 10:55 PM]
The only episode I remember seeing of that drek of a series was an episode where the Masked Rider in civilain form was on a game show & instead of picking the grand prize like any NORMAL person would, he picks the Mystery prize which turns out to be a plastic container full of worms, & he eats them on-screen! Shocked Saban, Saban, Saban, Sad what were you THINKING?! Mad
Rider_Leangle   [Sep 19, 2006 at 12:01 AM]
He may be a alien, But hes still a idiot, If anyone was like that in Kamen Rider, Then I would take my own life
4EverGreen   [Sep 19, 2006 at 07:45 AM]
Let's just pray THAT nightmare never happens, because the world would be a MUCH worser place for it! Idea
Rider_Leangle   [Sep 19, 2006 at 07:51 AM]
Yeah, And if they did that with Kamen Rider everyone in Japan would jump off a building and all of Japan will sink into the sea where anyone who survived would drown themselfs and since their under the Pacific Ocean Gojira wakes up and kills everyone who somehow survived (And Gojira is the original japanese name of Godzilla)
daaskood4502   [Aug 03, 2011 at 09:12 PM]
Windows Vista drawn the short straw since birth , (...) , has repeatedly prolonged support interval in comparison with XP, (...) , Vista was not so lucky. As early as April thirteen, 2010 , Microsoft terminated the SP isn't put in on Vista RTM/SP0 upgrade service pack edition from the mainstream assistance. Vista SP1 currently, we remind the consumer , July 12, , 2011 , Microsoft will qui

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