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Power Rangers Zeo: The Movie

This is a poster that tells about a new Power Rangers movie. I'm not sure if they were inferring that there would be a "Zeo" movie, or if it was an early ad for the "Turbo" movie.

zeo_postertouch.jpg center_bluelmoon.jpg zeomovie.jpg 1331630292_l.jpg 636106695_l.jpg
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ForeverBlue   [Mar 26, 2006 at 02:55 PM]
There was a suppose to be a possible zeo movie before Turbo but then Saban most likely decided to go for the Turbo movie instead.
bionlg   [Jun 08, 2006 at 08:07 PM]
darn zeo would rok as a movie Mad Crying or Very sad
Kyle   [Jun 10, 2006 at 03:34 AM]
its really a shame that we got turbo instead of zeo in the theaters. we could have had a hogdayafternoon type story going on. imagine the command center blowing on on the big screen.
RedRanger2000   [Jun 10, 2006 at 02:06 PM]
That ain't a movie poster. I think that's the advertisement.
yellow_mask   [Jun 11, 2006 at 03:01 PM]
yeah it's a turbo movie poster because in the bottom right coner it says "coming to home theaters spring 97" and also "wait til you see what's next" So 1997 spring turbo was on so it was no Zeo movie maybe it was planned but thats not what this poster is advertising
4EverGreen   [Jun 14, 2006 at 12:56 AM]
We all know that Zeo is better than Turbo, Saban should've just made the Zeo movie anyways. It would be so much better than being forced to watch every single episode of PRT non-stop! Surprised
dtm666   [Sep 19, 2006 at 02:11 AM]
I was lucky. I missed out on Turbo... except for the movie. Rolling Eyes
Rider_Leangle   [Sep 19, 2006 at 07:01 AM]
Good. You missed all the times that Justin was a weenie
4EverGreen   [Sep 19, 2006 at 08:03 AM]
I wasn't as lucky! Sad I missed out on about the 1st 15 minutes of the Turbo movie when it 1st came out on theater's, & if you think the Turbo movie is bad if you watch the entire thing it's actually EVEN WORSE when you miss the 1st 15 minutes of it! Shocked The worst part is, I totally EXPECTED to see Jason & Kimberly morph again since they're going to be IN the movie! Idea Unfortunatly what I didn't know at the time was Saban was too lame@$$ cheap to make a GOOD movie about "Power Rangers Turbo!" Rolling Eyes
Rider_Leangle   [Sep 19, 2006 at 08:05 AM]
He could'nt even make a good Power Rangers Turbo
4EverGreen   [Sep 19, 2006 at 08:34 AM]
The only REALLY good thing that EVER happened during the series is when T.J. & the others DITCHED Justin when they went after Divatox in "Chase Into Space Part II!" Cool
Rider_Leangle   [Sep 19, 2006 at 08:35 AM]
Now thats the best part ever!!!!
monkeyjb1988   [Nov 28, 2006 at 12:54 AM]
The corner only says that "Power Rangers" was coming to theaters. It didn't say anything about Zeo or Turbo.
Bobvob   [Dec 18, 2006 at 07:01 AM]
A zeo movie would have been much better than the fantactic turbo movie. Wait,did I say fantastic? I meant stupid. Opps.
powerrangersCKNdude   [May 23, 2007 at 03:27 AM]
why won't they just make moveis of them all. then before jason loses his power ranger style make one big long movie about them all. oh and his team. Confused
Power Ranger Fan 4Ever   [Sep 24, 2008 at 03:13 PM]
Regarding Justin, I think that Saban should have used someone older, but since that didn't happened, I still support him as a ranger. In fact, now that he is older, why not use him in a newer generation. (I will brace myself for a brutal onslaught of Justin haters.)
PRangerX   [Sep 29, 2008 at 04:43 AM]
The Turbo move was planned a a few years ahead of time. They were under contract to do a sequel to the first movie. Back then they had a better idea of what the next few Sentai Incarnations were going to be. Zeo bombed in the ratings. It was decided to start fresh with Turbo, thats who a lot of the loose ends in the Zeo finalie weren't tied up. Justin was brought in due to the ratings success of Beetleborgs. It was Shulki Levy's idea. It didn't work out the way they wanted. Since Bettleborg's appeal wasn't the the kids, it was the monsters. I think its time the fandom let go of their Justin hate. Its been more then a decade and he was only on the show for one season.
Power Ranger Fan 4Ever   [Sep 29, 2008 at 10:22 PM]
Thanks for support about Justin. I'm glad I'm not the only non-Justin hater.
lin827862   [Jun 20, 2011 at 02:01 AM]
(...) (...) (...) ,好好想。

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