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Last comments - Fan Art
Silver Dynaman1544 views08/09/06 at 17:08Rider_Leangle: A: PRE does'nt want me for some reason, B: I d...
Silver Dynaman1544 views08/09/06 at 04:29RedRanger2000: Here's an idea.. Have you been in PowerRangerE...
Dino Thunder Secret Rangers - Styraco and Auxillary Zord Rangers2338 views08/09/06 at 04:05Rider_Leangle: A: You forgot Stegozord, And B: The Ankylo Rnager ...
Mystic Force Proposed Toy Line 12103 viewsYeah, why didn't they bring back combining weapons this year?08/09/06 at 04:02Rider_Leangle: Go work for Bandai America, they need you
Aaron Hong's Secret Rangers - Serpentera and Tor Rangers1405 views08/09/06 at 03:59Rider_Leangle: Serpentera Ranger looks like Dairanger
Power Rangers Magnum Thunder3990 viewsMy Idea for a Power Ranger series based off of Dairanger and set in an alternate universe.
About the Name: Magnum is a mispelling of Magna meaning Great ( Dairanger means Great Ranger) and Thunder ( Kiden Juu from Dairanger become Thunder Zords in Power Rangers MM season 2).
Rangers : Rocky Desantos, Justin Stewart (Blue Ranger in PR:T), Adam Park, Aisha Campbell, Katherine Hillard and David Trueheart (Tommy's brother from Pr:Z).
08/08/06 at 23:30Rider_Leangle: A: Tommy should be red, Rocky Blue, And unfortunat...
command center1298 viewsphotoshped the building onto the cliff just as it was in mmpr.08/08/06 at 23:12Rider_Leangle: Who knew that a place other than Power Rangers fil...
command center1298 viewsphotoshped the building onto the cliff just as it was in mmpr.08/08/06 at 22:42aimid386902: Rider_Leangle, the show that's celebrating its...
Silver Dynaman1544 views08/08/06 at 22:15Rider_Leangle: Are they subbed??, Because I'd wait for TVN
Silver Dynaman1544 views08/08/06 at 21:36RedRanger2000: If you haven't Pre-Zyu yet, buy it on the VCDs...
Chibi Battle Fever J V.21530 viewsYes. I made Battle Kenya's gloves, boots, chest part, part of his "ears", and "K" on his belt buckle green.08/08/06 at 21:35RedRanger2000: Phantom is black with some silvers on him, Shadow ...
command center1298 viewsphotoshped the building onto the cliff just as it was in mmpr.08/08/06 at 21:20Rider_Leangle: Possilbly
1363 files on 114 page(s) 102