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1200 views06/01/08 at 05:58RedRanger2000: (to newgenerationx2007) TyrannoforceRed.

Zack returns1441 viewsthis is just a photomanipulation of a photo taken of him at power morphicon.
before you ask me why he's morphing red, well he already had the tyrannosaurus coin in the morpher, as well as wearing a red shirt. so I just went with the flow and made him red. if bridge can be promoted, I don't see why Zack couldn't too. 05/21/08 at 17:20Power Ranger Fan 4Ever: That's neat then. I wonder if Disney will ever...

Zack returns1441 viewsthis is just a photomanipulation of a photo taken of him at power morphicon.
before you ask me why he's morphing red, well he already had the tyrannosaurus coin in the morpher, as well as wearing a red shirt. so I just went with the flow and made him red. if bridge can be promoted, I don't see why Zack couldn't too. 05/19/08 at 23:52Kyle: yes. they gave him the tyrannosaurus coin. they d...

Zack returns1441 viewsthis is just a photomanipulation of a photo taken of him at power morphicon.
before you ask me why he's morphing red, well he already had the tyrannosaurus coin in the morpher, as well as wearing a red shirt. so I just went with the flow and made him red. if bridge can be promoted, I don't see why Zack couldn't too. 05/19/08 at 16:09Power Ranger Fan 4Ever: Is that the right coin though?

Hurricanger the next genration2032 viewsfrom the left, Hurricred, Hurricgreen, Hurricblue, Hurricyellow, Hurricpink05/15/08 at 16:48Power Ranger Fan 4Ever: I've seen this on

Aaron Hong's Secret Rangers - Turbo Rescue Rangers2418 viewsA powerup of the old Turbo Rangers, or a new team of cocky young recruits? What do you think?01/08/08 at 02:11RANGERSROCK1: where did the wheels on the weapons come from

Scarabeus Zord1553 viewsZord of the Silver Cyber Claw Ranger. His Hands and Feet are mighty canons. He becomes the Head and upper Body of Cyber Rage Megazord01/04/08 at 06:35RANGERSROCK1: awesome

Ninja Rangers895 viewsWhat if two new power coins were found during the MMPR movie??01/04/08 at 06:32RANGERSROCK1: The Maroon Ranger has Lion Powers and the gold has...

Power Rangers: The Animated Series916 viewsI went for a Hanna Barbara style mock up of what a power rangers cartoon could look like.12/31/07 at 07:08Kyle: nah, I was kinda going for "puddy is pointing...

3d Zordon4922 views12/31/07 at 04:48powerrangersCKNdude: 'got the sniffles zordon?" billy is wound...

1251 views12/31/07 at 04:45powerrangersCKNdude: how about teams up after all these years to celebr...
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