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Wild Force: Super Bison and Super Eagle Zords1838 viewsSo we all know how the Wild Force Lion Zord expanded to eight times its size just to form the Pegasus Megazord - what if the other four Zords also had that ability?
For starters, I've expanded just the Bison and Eagle. The Bison obviously fills the same role it already had, as the lower body - the Eagle not only forms wings but adds its talons to the Megazord's feet. Also in this pic is a quick drawing of what the Condor from Animus would look like as a Megazord head.04/07/07 at 22:01taioh no kami: maaan thats nice. that WF Megazord with clawwed f...

869 viewsShogun Megazord's sword04/06/07 at 10:47Aaron Hong: We need more Megazord weapons. The Titan Saber was...

Helmetless MF Girls2725 viewsI carefully took the helmets off of the Mystic Shield Light rangers and replaced it with the human head from the Legend Mode toys. What do you think.04/06/07 at 10:05Aaron Hong: They should have started off with the switching-he...

2698 views03/27/07 at 03:13Bobvob: That wasn't directed at you.

2698 views03/26/07 at 13:24ForeverPink: i didnt do this

2013 views03/26/07 at 03:08Rider_Leangle: Does anyone want to play russian rullete (Spelling...

985 views03/25/07 at 18:30Aaron Hong: Lines aren't thick enough, but otherwise prett...

985 views03/25/07 at 01:09Rider_Leangle: No it didn't, and there better not be any more

985 views03/25/07 at 00:32Angel Ranger: Doe's that mean there's going to be no mor...

985 views03/23/07 at 22:27Artic_Rival: Sorry, that scene was BEGGING for a Faiz Joke.
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