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Last comments - Other
SPD lineup in Singapore TRU1238 viewsBy one of those miracles of living in Singapore, we get the Dekaranger D-Magnum set and D-Arms set repackaged as the Delta Blasters and Deltamax Strikers sets. The Light Patrol and Action Zords figures are the same as the US. The Zord Morphin figures were a sort of precursor to this since they were also in the Dekaranger toyline before this.02/27/07 at 20:47Rider_Leangle: Lucky you getting D-Magnum and D-Arms without havi...
Geki Changer1110 viewsThis Is Some Pics Of The New Geki Changer!!02/27/07 at 20:45Rider_Leangle: *Kills you again*
Turbo Movie1285 viewsTell Me What Y'all Think?02/27/07 at 20:35Rider_Leangle: To see if you notice how Mutalated the disney crap...
Ultimate Green Ranger1201 viewsMy brother drew this. He's in art school so... anyways, take a look. please give comments.02/27/07 at 19:37greenlegendwarrior: awesome
Bear Zord / Ram Zord2478 viewsThe Bear is the Zord of the Green Cyber Claw Ranger. He posesses the Power of the Ground and is very strong. The Ram is the Zord of the Yellow Cyber Claw Ranger. He posseses the Power of Lightning and is very fast. His Horns can be used as Double Hammer.
Both become the Legs in the Cyber Claw Megazord
02/27/07 at 19:34greenlegendwarrior: excellent
SPD lineup in Singapore TRU1238 viewsBy one of those miracles of living in Singapore, we get the Dekaranger D-Magnum set and D-Arms set repackaged as the Delta Blasters and Deltamax Strikers sets. The Light Patrol and Action Zords figures are the same as the US. The Zord Morphin figures were a sort of precursor to this since they were also in the Dekaranger toyline before this.02/27/07 at 11:07Aaron Hong: Update: We now have D-Sword Vega in Shadow Saber b...
Geki Changer1110 viewsThis Is Some Pics Of The New Geki Changer!!02/27/07 at 11:04Aaron Hong:
Turbo Movie1285 viewsTell Me What Y'all Think?02/26/07 at 23:31onolulu: Yes I See Every Sentai Series Why Did You Ask For ...
Turbo Movie1285 viewsTell Me What Y'all Think?02/26/07 at 23:09Rider_Leangle: You don't watch Sentai as opposed to Sentai, D...
Turbo Movie1285 viewsTell Me What Y'all Think?02/26/07 at 11:59onolulu: Hey Rider_Leangle And What Its The Problem If Its ...
Zedd Ranger1359 views02/26/07 at 05:46Rider_Leangle: If you can't even figure out why you SERIOUSLY...
Turbo Movie1285 viewsTell Me What Y'all Think?02/26/07 at 04:54dekablack: I have almost no money of my own. I live with my ...
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