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The S.P.D. Rangers I made1822 viewsI went to and made these S.P.D. rangers. please give suggestions.12/15/06 at 01:05Deeboy28: now that's a good art!! nice detail

DinoThunder Rangers5152 viewsI made these rangers on tell if u like them or not. Please.12/15/06 at 01:02Deeboy28: very nice detail

DinoThunder Rangers5152 viewsI made these rangers on tell if u like them or not. Please.12/14/06 at 22:16kakublue1111: they are not bad

Boukenger vs Super Sentai2845 viewsSince Gaoranger vs Super Sentai, 200112/14/06 at 01:03spd go: Connor (PRDT)will be on the PR episode like this. ...

Made over three years ago by me1349 viewsAnyone miss this pic?12/13/06 at 18:38RedRanger2000: (to Bobvob) Wikipedia.

Helmetless MF Girls2725 viewsI carefully took the helmets off of the Mystic Shield Light rangers and replaced it with the human head from the Legend Mode toys. What do you think.12/13/06 at 17:55spd go: thanx

Mystic Force Legend Weapons1533 viewsThe rangers didn't really have any weapons besides the magistaffs and the lion staffs, but the legend toys came with these weapons and I thought they look cool.
Nick has the Legend Sword
Xander has the Legend Axe
Chip has the Legend Crossbow
Madison and Vida have the Legend Wings
(I made up the names myself.)12/13/06 at 17:42spd go: besides the weapons being unpainted, the boys have...

Mystic Force Legend Blaster1478 views12/13/06 at 17:39spd go: I think they were unpainted because they glow in t...

Boukenger vs Super Sentai2845 viewsSince Gaoranger vs Super Sentai, 200112/13/06 at 09:22PinkDekaranger: Maybe there's Operation Overdrive VS Mystic Fo...

tribute a Thuy Trang1205 viewsI made this12/13/06 at 09:14Deeboy28: R.I.P Thuy Trang May the power protect you from ab...

30 Red Rangers!5900 viewsAnd the black, blue, yellow, pink boukenger.12/13/06 at 09:12Deeboy28: AHHHHH... Red I f*kin' love it!!!
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