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Aaron Hong's Secret Rangers - Titanus Ranger1377 views12/09/06 at 08:50Tigerzord: A little late in the game to be suggesting, but ma...

Aaron Hong's Secret Rangers - Titanus Ranger1377 views12/08/06 at 23:56JonathanPuertoRico: 4EverGreen, what is your problem with Blake Foster...

Super Sentai Series 20071565 viewsProbably a three-ranger team again...12/08/06 at 22:19JonathanPuertoRico: I saw them at

Special Edition Red Ranger Figures1146 viewsToys R' Uses exclusive line of highly detailed and extremely poseable red ranger figures. (NOTE: I got the pic form google) 12/08/06 at 20:52Kyle: whoah, does anyone have a close up of the MMPR red...

Boukenger vs Super Sentai2845 viewsSince Gaoranger vs Super Sentai, 200112/08/06 at 17:56Angel Ranger: That's not Geki Red, That's Aka Red

This looks like a bad photoshop job with the toy1377 viewsbut, funny enough this is a screen cap12/08/06 at 17:52Angel Ranger: I'm sorry what i meant to say was that your jo...

Boukenger vs Super Sentai2845 viewsSince Gaoranger vs Super Sentai, 200112/08/06 at 17:45Artic_Rival: Gekired.

This looks like a bad photoshop job with the toy1377 viewsbut, funny enough this is a screen cap12/08/06 at 17:43Artic_Rival: I know!

This looks like a bad photoshop job with the toy1377 viewsbut, funny enough this is a screen cap12/08/06 at 16:50Angel Ranger: That's disgusting

Off with his arm1274 viewsDid they have a chance to evacuate that buidling?12/08/06 at 16:02Artic_Rival: Quick, give him a hand!

This looks like a bad photoshop job with the toy1377 viewsbut, funny enough this is a screen cap12/08/06 at 16:01Artic_Rival: No, it looked like titanus took a crap all over th...

The head of the megazord fell off1179 views12/08/06 at 16:00Artic_Rival: So that's what a gillitine is.
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