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Last comments - Other
Dragonzord and megazord down1101 views12/08/06 at 15:59Artic_Rival: Megazords: My Spleen!
Special Edition Red Ranger Figures1146 viewsToys R' Uses exclusive line of highly detailed and extremely poseable red ranger figures. (NOTE: I got the pic form google) 12/08/06 at 14:38almanfish: Can u beleve that they'er being soled for $10....
The head of the megazord fell off1179 views12/08/06 at 04:34Tommy Ranger: Ouch...
Super Sentai Series 20071565 viewsProbably a three-ranger team again...12/07/06 at 23:16defender2009: Heyhave any one seen or heard about gekiman the ne...
zeo promo3375 viewsscanned by prlegends. I touched it up by removing the seam in the middle.12/07/06 at 23:10defender2009: hey was'nt there supposed to be one of these m...
Off with his arm1274 viewsDid they have a chance to evacuate that buidling?12/07/06 at 17:254EverGreen: It's just a prop building & the Megazord i...
Special Edition Red Ranger Figures1146 viewsToys R' Uses exclusive line of highly detailed and extremely poseable red ranger figures. (NOTE: I got the pic form google) 12/07/06 at 02:19aimid386902: Oh my God!
Fiveman chibi1040 views12/06/06 at 23:54Tommy Ranger: Cool! Better than 4EverGreen's jokes!
Napoleon Dynamite morphing1564 views12/06/06 at 19:56PRangerX: David Yost is not gay, no one in the fandom has ha...
Napoleon Dynamite morphing1564 views12/06/06 at 17:394EverGreen: So what if I did? You're still jaded becau...
935 viewsAll the Kakuranger Zords12/06/06 at 17:174EverGreen: Technically, Ninjor is not a zord. But they ar...
Special Edition Red Ranger Figures1146 viewsToys R' Uses exclusive line of highly detailed and extremely poseable red ranger figures. (NOTE: I got the pic form google) 12/06/06 at 17:144EverGreen: It would be so cool if I got those action figures ...
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