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Falconzord down1006 viewsafter an attack by the blue blobber the Falconzord goes down11/15/06 at 17:124EverGreen: It's from the "Master Vile and the Metall...
Falconzord down1006 viewsafter an attack by the blue blobber the Falconzord goes down11/15/06 at 09:41Kyle: Can you tell me what episode this is from?
4EverGreen's Secret Shogun Rangers!949 viewsSince Aaron Hong makes secret Rangers of his own, I'd thought I'd give a shot at making my own! The Secret Shogun Rangers are the true masters of the Shogun Zords, and their ranger powers are similar to their zords powers! Also, the 3 left hand bottom rangers are Triforians who combine to form the Mega Shogun Falcon Ranger! That's all you need to know!11/13/06 at 23:19shishi ranger: Yeah, I was talking about their entire bodies. Lo...
Buddog!662 viewsI'm uploading this picture into this gallery as I promised people at the TV. com website that I would, and I can think of no better place to show off my artistic talents than here! And seeing as how this is my creation, I don't want anybody copying it! That' all I have to say for this file.11/13/06 at 17:48yellow_mask: This is quite good, but again you have to find the...
4EverGreen's Secret Shogun Rangers!949 viewsSince Aaron Hong makes secret Rangers of his own, I'd thought I'd give a shot at making my own! The Secret Shogun Rangers are the true masters of the Shogun Zords, and their ranger powers are similar to their zords powers! Also, the 3 left hand bottom rangers are Triforians who combine to form the Mega Shogun Falcon Ranger! That's all you need to know!11/13/06 at 17:30yellow_mask: I'm really sorry to say this..but it could tak...
4EverGreen's Secret Shogun Rangers!949 viewsSince Aaron Hong makes secret Rangers of his own, I'd thought I'd give a shot at making my own! The Secret Shogun Rangers are the true masters of the Shogun Zords, and their ranger powers are similar to their zords powers! Also, the 3 left hand bottom rangers are Triforians who combine to form the Mega Shogun Falcon Ranger! That's all you need to know!11/13/06 at 17:234EverGreen: It didn't take me just two minutes to draw thi...
4EverGreen's Secret Shogun Rangers!949 viewsSince Aaron Hong makes secret Rangers of his own, I'd thought I'd give a shot at making my own! The Secret Shogun Rangers are the true masters of the Shogun Zords, and their ranger powers are similar to their zords powers! Also, the 3 left hand bottom rangers are Triforians who combine to form the Mega Shogun Falcon Ranger! That's all you need to know!11/13/06 at 17:15yellow_mask: I think you should change your description of aaro...
Terrence!473 viewsHere's another fan-created character that I made for a forum at TV. com for the TV show of "Yin Yang Yo." I just felt since it had been so long since I uploaded anything to this website that I needed to make up for it! I sure hope my pictures can get some good ratings out of this as that would be so cool!11/13/06 at 17:124EverGreen: That's good to know PRangerX. Now even if the ...
4EverGreen's Secret Shogun Rangers!949 viewsSince Aaron Hong makes secret Rangers of his own, I'd thought I'd give a shot at making my own! The Secret Shogun Rangers are the true masters of the Shogun Zords, and their ranger powers are similar to their zords powers! Also, the 3 left hand bottom rangers are Triforians who combine to form the Mega Shogun Falcon Ranger! That's all you need to know!11/13/06 at 17:104EverGreen: They're supposed to look the way they do shish...
Buddog!662 viewsI'm uploading this picture into this gallery as I promised people at the TV. com website that I would, and I can think of no better place to show off my artistic talents than here! And seeing as how this is my creation, I don't want anybody copying it! That' all I have to say for this file.11/13/06 at 17:074EverGreen: What's Photo Bucket?
4EverGreen's Secret Shogun Rangers!949 viewsSince Aaron Hong makes secret Rangers of his own, I'd thought I'd give a shot at making my own! The Secret Shogun Rangers are the true masters of the Shogun Zords, and their ranger powers are similar to their zords powers! Also, the 3 left hand bottom rangers are Triforians who combine to form the Mega Shogun Falcon Ranger! That's all you need to know!11/13/06 at 06:50shishi ranger: You may want to work on getting the basic shape of...
Terrence!473 viewsHere's another fan-created character that I made for a forum at TV. com for the TV show of "Yin Yang Yo." I just felt since it had been so long since I uploaded anything to this website that I needed to make up for it! I sure hope my pictures can get some good ratings out of this as that would be so cool!11/13/06 at 05:42PRangerX: I hope to aviod any future memory loss. I do back ...
2399 files on 200 page(s) 140