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Last comments - Other
1402 views-1 for the yellow ranger team
+1 for internet arguments
10/07/06 at 06:404EverGreen: I've heard THAT one a TRILLION times before! A...
1402 views-1 for the yellow ranger team
+1 for internet arguments
10/06/06 at 08:16Rider_Leangle: Who are you talking to?? Yourself?? Because I'...
1402 views-1 for the yellow ranger team
+1 for internet arguments
10/04/06 at 07:49Aaron Hong: That's because what you call comments is actua...
Wild Force Secret Rangers: Animus Rangers with Savage Battle Gear2975 viewsAnother shoutout to the toy line.

This is where I pretty much confirmed that the Animus Rangers are all men. Otherwise, nothing REALLY new here (those weapons aren't exactly my own design either)
10/04/06 at 04:36shishi ranger: !! Seriously. Awesome.
1402 views-1 for the yellow ranger team
+1 for internet arguments
10/04/06 at 01:18Rider_Leangle: Hmmm, That would be easy being as they don't h...
1402 views-1 for the yellow ranger team
+1 for internet arguments
10/03/06 at 04:10Aaron Hong: Unfortunately that function involves deleting ever...
1402 views-1 for the yellow ranger team
+1 for internet arguments
10/03/06 at 00:17yellow_mask: who cares if he is bashing your art that means he ...
1402 views-1 for the yellow ranger team
+1 for internet arguments
10/02/06 at 18:13Aaron Hong: And why would I need to complain about Colin if he...
1402 views-1 for the yellow ranger team
+1 for internet arguments
10/02/06 at 17:114EverGreen: Can we clear these message topics and start fresh?...
¡¡Power Of Water!!1031 viewsThats A Photo Of The Blue Wind Ranger And I Add The Light And Color On The Saber :)10/02/06 at 17:084EverGreen: Sensei:"Use the force Tori, use the force!&qu...
PRiS Blakely Bear Power Ranger!702 viewsNow that I've sucessfully loaded a cartoon bear as a Power Ranger on this website, I wondered what it would look like if I made an actual bear into a power ranger! So here's the results! His name is Blakely and the only thing he likes more than honey is destroying the forces of evil!10/02/06 at 17:064EverGreen: I think this might be the nicest looking picture t...
1402 views-1 for the yellow ranger team
+1 for internet arguments
10/02/06 at 13:09yellow_mask: I know you have issues with rider, but thats no ex...
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