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Power Rangers Zeo: The Movie4594 viewsThis is a poster that tells about a new Power Rangers movie. I'm not sure if they were inferring that there would be a "Zeo" movie, or if it was an early ad for the "Turbo" movie. 09/19/06 at 07:01Rider_Leangle: Good. You missed all the times that Justin was a w...

Trading Card Packet Front and Back!630 viewsPlease take care of this file. If this website should happen to shut down again & something happens to my computer, I will be unable to scan these covers again as I'll have by then opened them & scanned the contents with in those packets, so I'll allow for this picture to be downloaded for anyone who wants to download it in case they want to be safe.09/19/06 at 06:59Rider_Leangle: I got a red pack (Apearently season 2) for 2 dolla...

PWNED!!!991 viewsSomeone made this pic for me and the server they put it on deletes files over time so I posted it here, And you can use it just keep in mind that Rider_Leangle made it, Here is a guide on how to use it, Say you just totaly PWNED a n00b with a coment, heres what you do after it:
*n00bs name*
*Insert This Pic here*09/19/06 at 06:14Aaron Hong: Wasn't this directed AT Colin in the first pla...

20th Century Fox Nightmare!1883 viewsSee it to believe it! At the start of this video,you'll hear the ending part of Bioman's "Blue Togetherness" song. at 04:29Aaron Hong: I thought the 'th' looks like a hand with ...

20th Century Fox Nightmare!1883 viewsSee it to believe it! At the start of this video,you'll hear the ending part of Bioman's "Blue Togetherness" song. at 02:26dtm666: I think it's one of the older logos. Then agai...

PWNED!!!991 viewsSomeone made this pic for me and the server they put it on deletes files over time so I posted it here, And you can use it just keep in mind that Rider_Leangle made it, Here is a guide on how to use it, Say you just totaly PWNED a n00b with a coment, heres what you do after it:
*n00bs name*
*Insert This Pic here*09/19/06 at 02:25dtm666: It's okay, but couldn't you have just used...

Power Rangers Zeo: The Movie4594 viewsThis is a poster that tells about a new Power Rangers movie. I'm not sure if they were inferring that there would be a "Zeo" movie, or if it was an early ad for the "Turbo" movie. 09/19/06 at 02:11dtm666: I was lucky. I missed out on Turbo... except for t...

Trading Card Packet Front and Back!630 viewsPlease take care of this file. If this website should happen to shut down again & something happens to my computer, I will be unable to scan these covers again as I'll have by then opened them & scanned the contents with in those packets, so I'll allow for this picture to be downloaded for anyone who wants to download it in case they want to be safe.09/19/06 at 02:06dtm666: Do you know if that packet is for the Series 1 set...

The Blue Ranger907 viewsBio and picture description of Billy, the one and only Blue "Mighty Morphin Power Ranger!" :D09/19/06 at 00:01Rider_Leangle: That one was'nt a joke

Decision Time629 viewsThe Power Ranger's must make a choice: will they join Zordon in defending the Earth or stand by & do nothing while Rita Repulsa tries to conquer it? It helps to have seen the first episode to know the answer to that question! :D09/19/06 at 00:01Rider_Leangle: He may be a alien, But hes still a idiot, If anyon...

The Blue Ranger907 viewsBio and picture description of Billy, the one and only Blue "Mighty Morphin Power Ranger!" :D09/18/06 at 22:574EverGreen: That's a good one! Why people don't ...

Decision Time629 viewsThe Power Ranger's must make a choice: will they join Zordon in defending the Earth or stand by & do nothing while Rita Repulsa tries to conquer it? It helps to have seen the first episode to know the answer to that question! :D09/18/06 at 22:554EverGreen: The only episode I remember seeing of that drek of...
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