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Last comments - Other
Maji vs. Deka1240 viewsa pic I took from Maji vs. Deka, the TVN sub, I'd go there with them, without the camera though09/10/06 at 03:01Rider_Leangle: I know, Bad capture getting the subs, But I just w...
Reverse Dimension Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger1373 viewsIn a parallell universe Tommy Oliver was put under a spell by the good sorceress Rita Repulsa and given the Dragon Power Coin and the Sword of Light and became the good Pink Ranger. After the Sword of Light was destroyed Tommy became evil again and joined the Mighty Morphin Rangers. He would eventually loose his powers and leave the team. 09/10/06 at 02:57Rider_Leangle: The expression makes it look like it
The first of Aaron Hong's 'Boromir' tribute pics818 viewsLike some buggers who don't know when to quit, Boromir was killed off in the first movie but gets footage in the next two anyways, more so if you've seen the Extended Editions. Stay tuned for more.09/10/06 at 02:45Rider_Leangle: I thought those Sesame Street Crap is what the pro...
PWNED!!!991 viewsSomeone made this pic for me and the server they put it on deletes files over time so I posted it here, And you can use it just keep in mind that Rider_Leangle made it, Here is a guide on how to use it, Say you just totaly PWNED a n00b with a coment, heres what you do after it:
*n00bs name*
*Insert This Pic here*
09/10/06 at 02:08Artic_Rival: Kalish is owned
Maji vs. Deka1240 viewsa pic I took from Maji vs. Deka, the TVN sub, I'd go there with them, without the camera though09/10/06 at 02:08Artic_Rival: What am i doing? I'm typing this!
Red Megabattle Ranger1807 views09/10/06 at 01:57Artic_Rival: Why does it remind me of Kamen rider 555?
Reverse Dimension Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger1373 viewsIn a parallell universe Tommy Oliver was put under a spell by the good sorceress Rita Repulsa and given the Dragon Power Coin and the Sword of Light and became the good Pink Ranger. After the Sword of Light was destroyed Tommy became evil again and joined the Mighty Morphin Rangers. He would eventually loose his powers and leave the team. 09/10/06 at 01:50Artic_Rival: XD, Tommy is a homo sexual
Mystic Force Proposed Toy Line 12106 viewsYeah, why didn't they bring back combining weapons this year?09/10/06 at 01:47Artic_Rival: The weapons remind me of the power weapons on MMPR...
GaoYellow - Rangers Strike Card1197 viewsOne of my favorites09/09/06 at 20:10shishi ranger: Really I only know Katakana but thanks
The first of Aaron Hong's 'Boromir' tribute pics818 viewsLike some buggers who don't know when to quit, Boromir was killed off in the first movie but gets footage in the next two anyways, more so if you've seen the Extended Editions. Stay tuned for more.09/09/06 at 19:594EverGreen: I don't know Angel Ranger, call it an instinct...
The first of Aaron Hong's 'Boromir' tribute pics818 viewsLike some buggers who don't know when to quit, Boromir was killed off in the first movie but gets footage in the next two anyways, more so if you've seen the Extended Editions. Stay tuned for more.09/09/06 at 19:52Angel Ranger: What make's you think that
The first of Aaron Hong's 'Boromir' tribute pics818 viewsLike some buggers who don't know when to quit, Boromir was killed off in the first movie but gets footage in the next two anyways, more so if you've seen the Extended Editions. Stay tuned for more.09/09/06 at 19:284EverGreen: Wasn't Angel Ranger another one of Blessranger...
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