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Last comments - Other
Napoleon Dynamite morphing1564 views08/19/06 at 17:07Rider_Leangle: Hahaha, Well you still learn news on Leno, with a ...
Silver Dynaman1549 views08/19/06 at 17:03Rider_Leangle: I know about the UFO's are real, I was joking ...
The TRUE Turbo Blue Ranger2045 viewsWhat if Joey Lawrence plays the Turbo Blue Ranger instead of Blake Foster?08/19/06 at 07:104EverGreen: He's a former child actor. He was the voice of...
2089 views08/19/06 at 06:524EverGreen: No, there wasn't but we wish there were one! A...
Napoleon Dynamite morphing1564 views08/19/06 at 06:484EverGreen: I don't watch Jay Leno. He sucks! ...
Silver Dynaman1549 views08/19/06 at 06:424EverGreen: You still believe that Elvis is alive and that Atl...
The TRUE Turbo Blue Ranger2045 viewsWhat if Joey Lawrence plays the Turbo Blue Ranger instead of Blake Foster?08/18/06 at 22:22Rider_Leangle: I still don't know who he is though
The TRUE Turbo Blue Ranger2045 viewsWhat if Joey Lawrence plays the Turbo Blue Ranger instead of Blake Foster?08/18/06 at 20:44RedRanger2000: Joey Lawrence.
The TRUE Turbo Blue Ranger2045 viewsWhat if Joey Lawrence plays the Turbo Blue Ranger instead of Blake Foster?08/18/06 at 20:40Abasilver: cool but who is the guy?
Rabbit Punch Zord1230 viewsThe Zord of the White Cyber Claw Ranger:
1st Mode: Rabbit with the Punch Fists
2nd Mode: Fighter who uses the rabbit Ears as Swords
Becomes the Arm in the Cyber Rage Megazord Punch Mode or the Caons in the Cyber Claw Megazord Canon Mode
08/17/06 at 06:41Abasilver: thanks 4evergreen, i have more zord designs and i ...
2089 views08/16/06 at 21:46Rider_Leangle: And I supose you're going to say that there wa...
Napoleon Dynamite morphing1564 views08/16/06 at 21:45Rider_Leangle: Thanks, And I heard that on Leno and Comercials
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