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Red Mighty Morphin Ranger Battilized (Tyrannosaurus)2176 views08/09/06 at 23:05Rider_Leangle: WHY WOULD I DO THAT

Red Mighty Morphin Ranger Battilized (Tyrannosaurus)2176 views08/09/06 at 22:14RedRanger2000: Stop using all caps.

Red Mighty Morphin Ranger Battilized (Tyrannosaurus)2176 views08/09/06 at 18:24Rider_Leangle: BUT HE HSA 2 HELMETS!!!

Silver Dynaman1548 views08/09/06 at 18:12TyrannoforceRed: V2 will be changed for the better hopefully

Red Mighty Morphin Ranger Battilized (Ape)2193 views08/09/06 at 18:11TyrannoforceRed: Rocky: I wanted to be the Tyrannosaurus. Jason: Da...

Red Mighty Morphin Ranger Battilized (Tyrannosaurus)2176 views08/09/06 at 18:10TyrannoforceRed: Photoshopping thee second helmet out is rather dif...

Silver Dynaman1548 views08/09/06 at 18:05Rider_Leangle: Why do they need changed??

Silver Dynaman1548 views08/09/06 at 17:50RedRanger2000: TyrannoforceRed, change the "R" on the h...

Silver Dynaman1548 views08/09/06 at 17:08Rider_Leangle: A: PRE does'nt want me for some reason, B: I d...

Silver Dynaman1548 views08/09/06 at 04:29RedRanger2000: Here's an idea.. Have you been in PowerRangerE...

Dino Thunder Secret Rangers - Styraco and Auxillary Zord Rangers2339 views08/09/06 at 04:05Rider_Leangle: A: You forgot Stegozord, And B: The Ankylo Rnager ...

Mystic Force Proposed Toy Line 12106 viewsYeah, why didn't they bring back combining weapons this year?08/09/06 at 04:02Rider_Leangle: Go work for Bandai America, they need you
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