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Boohbahs as Maskman1493 viewsHumbah:Yellow Mask
Zumbah:Black Mask
Zing Zing Zingbah:Red Mask
Jumbah:Blue Mask
Jingbah:Pink Mask08/02/06 at 23:44Rider_Leangle: NOOOOOO, I bet this is Blessrangers work

What the... ?2168 viewsGaorangers you got some 'xplaining to do08/02/06 at 23:39Rider_Leangle: Their both DUDES!!!, EWWWW, I thought this was Gao...

Reverse Dimension Mighty Morphin Green Ranger1537 viewsIn a parallell universe Kimberly Hart was given the Pteradactyl power coin by the evil wizard Zordon to become the evil Green Ranger to battle the good sorceress Rita Repulsa.
08/01/06 at 08:40Rising Sun Ranger: Wonder what that Green Sludge is doing on Kimberly...

Power Rangers Magnum Thunder3991 viewsMy Idea for a Power Ranger series based off of Dairanger and set in an alternate universe.
About the Name: Magnum is a mispelling of Magna meaning Great ( Dairanger means Great Ranger) and Thunder ( Kiden Juu from Dairanger become Thunder Zords in Power Rangers MM season 2).
Rangers : Rocky Desantos, Justin Stewart (Blue Ranger in PR:T), Adam Park, Aisha Campbell, Katherine Hillard and David Trueheart (Tommy's brother from Pr:Z).07/30/06 at 05:244EverGreen: There are two things wrong with this picture. Firs...

Reverse Dimension Mighty Morphin White Ranger1255 viewsIn a parallell universe Zack Taylor was given the Matodon power coin by the evil wizard Zordon to become the evil White Ranger to battle the good sorceress Rita Repulsa.
07/30/06 at 05:174EverGreen: The only thing wrong with this picture, is that ev...

Reverse Dimension Mighty Morphin Green Ranger1537 viewsIn a parallell universe Kimberly Hart was given the Pteradactyl power coin by the evil wizard Zordon to become the evil Green Ranger to battle the good sorceress Rita Repulsa.
07/30/06 at 05:134EverGreen: It's kind of ironic that Kimberly would become...

Ultimate Green Ranger1198 viewsMy brother drew this. He's in art school so... anyways, take a look. please give comments.07/30/06 at 05:104EverGreen: Cool art! And by the way, it's nice to see ran...

625251085 views07/30/06 at 02:40magnumranger_7: Hey, Where does anyone get a real Power Ranger uni...

Power Rangers Magnum Thunder3991 viewsMy Idea for a Power Ranger series based off of Dairanger and set in an alternate universe.
About the Name: Magnum is a mispelling of Magna meaning Great ( Dairanger means Great Ranger) and Thunder ( Kiden Juu from Dairanger become Thunder Zords in Power Rangers MM season 2).
Rangers : Rocky Desantos, Justin Stewart (Blue Ranger in PR:T), Adam Park, Aisha Campbell, Katherine Hillard and David Trueheart (Tommy's brother from Pr:Z).06/21/06 at 03:36PinkDekaranger: Justin is the wrost blue ranger. He can be the Kib...

Animaniacs-Power ranger parody2736 views06/20/06 at 00:27DragonRanger: ^ that suppose to be funny?^ I'm no...

Chibi Sentai Cards1328 viewsSun Vulcan-Dynaman, Changeman-Fiveman06/20/06 at 00:23DragonRanger: I remember seeing those for Zyuranger and Dairange...
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