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Last comments - Other
Kaitlin's Virtualizer779 viewsTransformation Pendant08/03/09 at 01:37StraightEdgeSuperstar: Trooper Transform!
2193 views08/03/09 at 01:36StraightEdgeSuperstar: I love the paint job you gave them, dude.
Power Rangers 15 ans !!!!!!!!!!!!!!1999 viewsThe second White Thunder Ranger is clone.

The third SPD Blue Ranger is Syd because, Bridge is red so the blue is missing so Syd was promoted.
The second Shadow Ranger is Sky beacause if Bridge is red so Sky is Shadow Ranger.
02/03/09 at 02:43Power Ranger Fan 4Ever: IDK. Shadow Ranger seemed to much like Doggie'...
Power Rangers 15 ans !!!!!!!!!!!!!!1999 viewsThe second White Thunder Ranger is clone.

The third SPD Blue Ranger is Syd because, Bridge is red so the blue is missing so Syd was promoted.
The second Shadow Ranger is Sky beacause if Bridge is red so Sky is Shadow Ranger.
12/11/08 at 17:04AbareRed: It is just speculated, it's right but Sky so m...
Power Rangers 15 ans !!!!!!!!!!!!!!1999 viewsThe second White Thunder Ranger is clone.

The third SPD Blue Ranger is Syd because, Bridge is red so the blue is missing so Syd was promoted.
The second Shadow Ranger is Sky beacause if Bridge is red so Sky is Shadow Ranger.
12/10/08 at 21:46Power Ranger Fan 4Ever: For the last time it isn't a known fact that S...
6th Turbo Ranger: Speed Shadow1243 views12/10/08 at 16:15Power Ranger Fan 4Ever: Maybe... bring Billy back.
PRSPD1174 viewsThe SPD team, with Shadow, and the Kat and Nova Rangers, which I decided to make using the spare figures, but it looks like I've failed on that!11/15/08 at 22:48RedRanger1: I added the skirts on the Females for SPD because ...
6th Turbo Ranger: Speed Shadow1243 views11/09/08 at 17:55Green Condor Ranger: This is my Idea, they should have a unique charact...
Power Rangers SPD X-Squad Red2026 viewsThis was made for me by Incinerator.11/08/08 at 22:35Power Ranger Fan 4Ever: X-Squad?
Secret Rangers: Supertrain Lightspeed Rangers1424 viewsThe Latest Technology at Lightspeed Rescue has brought you The Supertrain Rangers. The true owners of The Rail Rescues and the Supertrain Megazord. But who are they, are they Cyborg Rangers 2.0, are they new recruits, or are a power-up of the lightspeed rangers you know and love. You decide.11/08/08 at 22:33Power Ranger Fan 4Ever: How about C-Squad SPD Rangers?
Special Edition Red Ranger Figures1146 viewsToys R' Uses exclusive line of highly detailed and extremely poseable red ranger figures. (NOTE: I got the pic form google) 11/08/08 at 22:31Power Ranger Fan 4Ever: My favorite Red Ranger is most likely Tommy. But m...
Sky - SPD Shadow Ranger1952 viewsSky was promoted by Anubis Cruger, the new Shadow Ranger. All this was explained by Bridge, the new Red Ranger in the episode "Once a ranger".11/08/08 at 22:28Power Ranger Fan 4Ever: It isn't a known fact but it is assumed and pe...
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