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Last comments - Other
Ninja Rangers895 viewsWhat if two new power coins were found during the MMPR movie??12/31/07 at 04:33powerrangersCKNdude: nice job, but what animal powers do they have?
2090 views12/31/07 at 04:32powerrangersCKNdude: they should have more colors for the pris and cris...
Mystic Force Proposed Toy Line 21619 viewsNot the actual Barikion/Catastros, just a vehicle-sized replica for all Rangers that copies the BariJavelin weapon and the space in the front for Centaur mode. Maybe throw in a missile-launching Magi Staff for good measure.12/31/07 at 04:28powerrangersCKNdude: cool!!!
1229 views12/31/07 at 04:27powerrangersCKNdude: wicked sweet!!! is that the batman sign on his cos...
Power Rangers: The Animated Series916 viewsI went for a Hanna Barbara style mock up of what a power rangers cartoon could look like.12/31/07 at 04:26powerrangersCKNdude: uhh.......uhhh.....uhhhh....??? ...
The Pink Ranger SPD squad_a-by Howk2294 views12/31/07 at 04:24powerrangersCKNdude: they just had to ruin power rangers in space and t...
2266 views12/31/07 at 04:23powerrangersCKNdude: maybe the other girl, but good job.
Rocky, the Red Mighty Morphin Ninja ranger_by Howk1678 views12/31/07 at 04:21powerrangersCKNdude: they should have someone take thier nija place, th...
Dino Thunder Rangers and Jungle Fury Rangers1277 viewsImagine a team up enter this two Power Rangers.12/31/07 at 04:19powerrangersCKNdude: heheh, cool!!!
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Bruce Timm Style1746 viewstitle says it all12/31/07 at 04:17powerrangersCKNdude: heheh, the girls are like "what are you looki...
Billy as the Blue Turbo Ranger1912 viewsFor all you Billy Fans or Justin-Haters this is for you.12/31/07 at 04:14powerrangersCKNdude: what if the others turn into super turbo rangers? ...
Aaron Hong's Secret Rangers - Titanus Ranger1377 views12/31/07 at 00:084EverGreen: JohnathanPuertoRico, Blake Foster has, was, is, an...
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