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2610 views09/02/07 at 03:04RANGERSROCK: it looks like jack needs to go to da toilet

Aaron Hong's Secret Rangers - Serpentera and Tor Rangers1408 views09/02/07 at 03:01RANGERSROCK: Serpentera ranger should be a darker green

All 20 red Power Rangers_by Howk1850 views09/02/07 at 00:41Angel Ranger: He was in Once A Ranger

All 20 red Power Rangers_by Howk1850 views09/01/07 at 23:16RANGERSROCK: bridge was not a red ranger

Beast Zords2938 viewsHere the first scetch of the Beast Zords who combine into Beast Rage Megazord. Plz tell me what I could change on the design. I wanna hear some critic^^
08/31/07 at 10:28RANGERSROCK: Looks Great just make a pic of the megazord

just a simple repaint945 views08/31/07 at 07:35RangerPower: Very nice, any chance yoy can upload the original ...

Power Rangers Zeo - Bruce Timm Style1796 viewstitle says it all08/30/07 at 18:36RedRanger2000: What about the rest?

You won't be surprised!1253 views08/29/07 at 22:35Artic_Rival: *commits harikiri*

Secret Rangers: 6 Secret Gekiranger Super Form1199 viewsIt's not quite a final print yet, especially since I just made up the vent designs on the spot, but at the very least we have our 6 new Rangers in a nice Sparta-worthy battle charge here.08/29/07 at 22:32Artic_Rival: Dude on the far right has some cussion for the pus...

The RETRO Rangers1250 viewsA freaking awsome pic of the retro rangers glowing that i made.08/24/07 at 15:43zett101: ye your probly rite

The RETRO Rangers1250 viewsA freaking awsome pic of the retro rangers glowing that i made.08/22/07 at 03:04RedRanger2000: Why not a purple glow for the Black Ranger? Most o...
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