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Last comments - Other
The RETRO Rangers1250 viewsA freaking awsome pic of the retro rangers glowing that i made.08/21/07 at 11:48zett101: i gave the legend MMPR a white glow cause well his...
GoGoVehicles 19 and 201568 viewsInspired by the Boukenger finale, where Daivoyager was retrofitted for space travel - instead I've thought up two more vehicles, GoGoRocket (19) and GoGoShuttle (20), bringing the vehicle count at a nice round number.

With the addition of the unmanned GoGoBoosters, we have a combined vehicle form (GoGoExplorer) and a robot form (no idea what to call it.)
08/17/07 at 13:36Aaron Hong: I'll be putting up a better version of this on...
1326 views08/11/07 at 16:29Macdaddyc: how did u make dat
Power Rangers Jungle Fury_By Howk1368 views08/06/07 at 09:42JamesTS: This is the newest ranger for 2008.
Two Black Mighty Morphin rangers united1045 views08/05/07 at 00:37Andrew31kbrick193: Quick Poll: Who was better? Zack or Adam.
Power Rangers Operation Overdrive Group782 views08/03/07 at 23:11RedRanger1: Could you upload a pic of all these with Mercury R...
Mystic Force Proposed Toy Line 12107 viewsYeah, why didn't they bring back combining weapons this year?07/24/07 at 12:17Aaron Hong: Green forms the upper body & arms, Pink folds ...
Mystic Force Proposed Toy Line 12107 viewsYeah, why didn't they bring back combining weapons this year?07/21/07 at 23:42Andrew31kbrick193: Where did the green and pink weapons go in the com...
...Goranger?3289 views07/21/07 at 18:03Rider_Leangle: I thought that too until I saw the videos then I h...
837 views07/21/07 at 18:02Rider_Leangle: ScorpioWorm (A.K.A. Kamishiro Tsurugi (A.K.A. Kame...
Here you go kyle885 viewsWith the head of the original red ranger, and a new fabricated body, exceptional detail , a realistic, but non colored sword and a blade blaster, he can be posed on top of his "power stand" he makes for a nice display peice, or a neet action figure07/21/07 at 17:55Rider_Leangle: I wonder where they got those figures from XDXDXD
...Goranger?3289 views07/21/07 at 01:29Andrew31kbrick193: Am I the only one who finds this creepy? :sho...
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