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Aaron's Secret Rangers: Boukenger/Operation Overdrive Jet Ranger1087 viewsOkay, secret RANGER. *sigh* I couldn't work out a way to really distinguish him from the actual Red Ranger, so I just colored the silver parts of the suit gold. The weapon and helmet are still original though.07/20/07 at 02:23Artic_Rival: His weapon looks like the pink carranger's wea...

All 20 red Power Rangers_by Howk1850 views07/17/07 at 23:54RangerPower: This is so incredible! I love this Red Ranger Bann...

Billy as the Blue Turbo Ranger1912 viewsFor all you Billy Fans or Justin-Haters this is for you.07/15/07 at 06:324EverGreen: Billy: "YES!!!! Now that I've KILLED ...

1337 viewsZyuranger Morpher, Morpher coins, and Armed Tranno.07/11/07 at 20:40DragonRanger: Technically, it's the dragon buckler.

Here you go kyle885 viewsWith the head of the original red ranger, and a new fabricated body, exceptional detail , a realistic, but non colored sword and a blade blaster, he can be posed on top of his "power stand" he makes for a nice display peice, or a neet action figure07/11/07 at 20:35DragonRanger: If anyone has the figure, they'll notice the &...
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