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Bouken Pink is eating lunch2056 viewsPink Ranger: I'm so hungry!06/21/07 at 02:58RedRanger2000: Rose: We'll be right back after I finishing ea...

ag593472 viewsThis is basicly what I meant by Hot Anime girls, Although Super Sentai ones are the only ones I can post here, Either way, This is what I mean, And DAMN! They're HOT!06/20/07 at 06:10Rider_Leangle: Actualy my thoughs have changed, May 6th I was wat...

ag593472 viewsThis is basicly what I meant by Hot Anime girls, Although Super Sentai ones are the only ones I can post here, Either way, This is what I mean, And DAMN! They're HOT!06/20/07 at 04:31yellow_mask: i'm not really disturbed about that but maybe ...

ag593472 viewsThis is basicly what I meant by Hot Anime girls, Although Super Sentai ones are the only ones I can post here, Either way, This is what I mean, And DAMN! They're HOT!06/19/07 at 11:52Aaron Hong: Is anyone disturbed by the fact that the first let...

Wild Force Secret Rangers - Final Battle3345 views24-Ranger pwnage - just the way momma likes it.06/19/07 at 11:42Aaron Hong: The 'fire guy' is the Ranger for the movie...

You won't be surprised!1253 views06/18/07 at 23:40Rider_Leangle: I thought disney *ucked it up! O_O

You won't be surprised!1253 views06/18/07 at 16:06RedRanger2000: I wanna see Archie Comics and Boukenger/Operation ...

You won't be surprised!1253 views06/18/07 at 05:14PinkDekaranger: My eyes' burned.

ag593472 viewsThis is basicly what I meant by Hot Anime girls, Although Super Sentai ones are the only ones I can post here, Either way, This is what I mean, And DAMN! They're HOT!06/14/07 at 18:54Rider_Leangle: Whatever

ag593472 viewsThis is basicly what I meant by Hot Anime girls, Although Super Sentai ones are the only ones I can post here, Either way, This is what I mean, And DAMN! They're HOT!06/13/07 at 22:09Andrew31kbrick193: The Girls are so kawaii

Aaron's Secret Rangers: GekiDark (GekiBat ranger)1119 viewsAnother season of sentai, another round of Secret Rangers. This one was inspired when I brought home a DX GekiBat - then realised there wasn't enough natural lighting in any part of my house to study it closely with. Hence the name GekiDark.
"Be like the wind, invisible and unpredictable. Shadowless Form... GekiDark."06/04/07 at 15:35Tigerzord: Pretty sweet looking, looks like a cross between t...

Maskman vs Flashman897 views06/02/07 at 05:44858redsesameranger: It would be a lot great to see a CLASSIC! crossove...
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