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1386 views05/31/07 at 21:33Tigerzord: what is this suppose to be? lol, great work though

Changeman chibi1155 views05/28/07 at 01:11RedRanger2000: Then go to Youtube, and type in the name of the Se...

Turboranger chibi970 views05/28/07 at 01:09RedRanger2000: powerrangersCKNdude, Power Rangers Turbo doesn'...

935 viewsAll the Kakuranger Zords05/28/07 at 00:47powerrangersCKNdude: nice, especially the eagle zord. having it stand a...

Turboranger chibi970 views05/27/07 at 21:54powerrangersCKNdude: "shift into turbo!".... one of my fav. s...

Sun Vulcan chibi919 views05/27/07 at 21:50powerrangersCKNdude: this is cool like the smiley said, sweet?cool...

Chibi Sentai Cards1330 viewsSun Vulcan-Dynaman, Changeman-Fiveman05/27/07 at 21:35powerrangersCKNdude: it's a dream come true.

Chibi Boukenger1504 viewsfrom super-sentai.net05/27/07 at 21:29powerrangersCKNdude: BTW? what does that mean. Mac:" Dax, quick, ...

Chibi MMPR V.22069 viewsI made some modifications of all rangers, but the biggest difference is that there's now a Green Ranger.05/27/07 at 21:19powerrangersCKNdude: now that's colorfull.

Operation Overdrive chibi1007 views05/27/07 at 21:18powerrangersCKNdude: abckids haven't got to that far yet. oh well. ...

Maskman chibi1019 views05/27/07 at 21:16powerrangersCKNdude: the green dude looks cool. but the others are also...

Chibi Liveman Wallpaper1782 views1024x76805/27/07 at 20:51powerrangersCKNdude: I love it when their chibi. go to search and look ...
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