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Last comments - Other
1985 viewsartwork from the upcoming CCG "Rangers Strike"05/23/07 at 00:59Bobvob: Ok I thought I got the wrong. Thanks
3d Zordon4924 views05/22/07 at 05:30Rider_Leangle: Is it just me or do Zordon's nostrils look lik...
1985 viewsartwork from the upcoming CCG "Rangers Strike"05/22/07 at 04:36RedRanger2000: Denjiman is 1980. Sun Vulcan is 1981.
1985 viewsartwork from the upcoming CCG "Rangers Strike"05/22/07 at 01:44Bobvob: Again? Sun vulcan was back in 1980!
1985 viewsartwork from the upcoming CCG "Rangers Strike"05/22/07 at 01:32powerrangersCKNdude: Yellows a boy again. darn, it'll look better o...
1870 viewsartwork from the upcoming CCG "Rangers Strike"05/22/07 at 01:30powerrangersCKNdude: hey,it looks like either a galaxy sword or a wild ...
Power Rangers Operation Overdrive Red546 views05/22/07 at 01:21powerrangersCKNdude: I allways liked the red ranger. heh heh.....
My recent PR Toys879 viewsYes. I collected a bunch of Mechas/Giant Robots/Megazord.05/22/07 at 01:17powerrangersCKNdude: (gasp) they're all shiney. why couldn't i ...
3d Zordon4924 views05/22/07 at 00:10powerrangersCKNdude: Jason: "whaaaaaaaa.....didn't see that co...
Wild Force Secret Rangers: Animus Rangers with Savage Battle Gear2975 viewsAnother shoutout to the toy line.

This is where I pretty much confirmed that the Animus Rangers are all men. Otherwise, nothing REALLY new here (those weapons aren't exactly my own design either)
05/22/07 at 00:08powerrangersCKNdude: Try these guys with the others........ unb...
Wild Force Secret Ranger - Whale Ranger2220 viewsWhen you give a Ranger the biggest Wild Zord ever, you gotta back it up with some major hardware. On top of the standard-issue Crystal Saber, the Whale Ranger gets the massive Whale Blaster, so heavy that the other Rangers can't use it unless they all carry it at once; and the Whale Ranger's personal minisub vehicle. The Whale Blaster also summons the Whale Zord with the help of the Crystal Saber and Whale animal crystal mounted together.05/22/07 at 00:05powerrangersCKNdude: awwwwwwww....(drool) can't beleive.
Wild Force Secret Rangers - Final Battle3345 views24-Ranger pwnage - just the way momma likes it.05/22/07 at 00:03powerrangersCKNdude: hey, nice work! but who are the two that are red a...
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