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Juuken Sentai Gekiranger1952 viewsGeki Tohja(Hit Fighter), the megazord
Geki Elephant, could be combined with Geki Tohja12/14/06 at 22:13Rising Sun Ranger: Men in rubber suits have been around for a LOOOOOO...

actors magi movie1963 views12/14/06 at 22:11Rising Sun Ranger: Personally, I preferred MagiRanger to MysticForce ...

actors magi movie1963 views12/14/06 at 15:42Deeboy28: well it's true since it's tha best of both...

Juuken Sentai Gekiranger1952 viewsGeki Tohja(Hit Fighter), the megazord
Geki Elephant, could be combined with Geki Tohja12/14/06 at 15:37Deeboy28: oh great now it's a Wild Force repeat!! ...

Juuken Sentai Gekiranger1952 viewsGeki Tohja(Hit Fighter), the megazord
Geki Elephant, could be combined with Geki Tohja12/14/06 at 12:30Angel Ranger: Would it be more appealing if the Cheetah and the ...

GekiRanger936 views12/14/06 at 04:57Bobvob: Chettah girls? Where the heck did you make that co...

Juuken Sentai Gekiranger1952 viewsGeki Tohja(Hit Fighter), the megazord
Geki Elephant, could be combined with Geki Tohja12/14/06 at 00:28Tigerzord: I'm sorry, but at this point, even though I ha...

actors magi movie1963 views12/14/06 at 00:06spd go: mystic force team looks better. the japanese peopl...

Kai Henshin1267 views12/13/06 at 17:50spd go: I like the morphs in PR. Their all cool. To me, si...

Boukenger characters2740 views12/13/06 at 17:44spd go: their filming the show now?

GekiRanger1429 views12/13/06 at 09:01Deeboy28: well duh... tha yellow ranger is indeed a ...
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