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SWAT Red766 viewsI Take This Photo And Put It The Red LightJan 25, 2007

Reverse Dimension Ninja Zords728 viewsAlong with the new ninja powers, the Evil Mighty Morphin Rangers were given new zords based on the animals they represent. The zords can combine to form the Ninja Zord.Jan 25, 2007

Reverse Dimension Ninja Rangers965 viewsShortly after Jason,Trini and Zack left the Power Rangers they were replaced with Rocky,Aisha and Adam. After they lost their powers they gained new ninja powers from the Corrupt, Evil Ninja Ninjor.
Now each of the Evil Mighty Morphin Rangers is reprisented by a animal, Turquoise:Ape, Blue:Bear, Yellow:Wolf, Green:Crane, White:Frog and Black: Falcon.Jan 25, 2007

Reverse Dimension Tor646 viewsThe 2nd Carrier Zord of the Evil Mighty Morphin Rangers. Can combine with the Thunder Zorda and the Black Panther Zord to form The Thunder Ultra Zord.Jan 25, 2007

dragon ranger855 viewscredit goes to cyborg ranger. this is the leader of the Power Rangers Dragon Riders. Her name is Diane Denozo.Jan 23, 2007

angel ranger778 viewsseveral parts of this i give credit to cyborg rangerJan 23, 2007

Pink Mystic Ranger1013 viewsJan 18, 2007

Mystic Force Belts803 viewsI Take This 5 Photos And Put Them Together In PotoshopJan 18, 2007

Overdrive Trackers1321 viewsJan 18, 2007

MF Morph1116 viewsThis Is One Photo Of The Mystic Force Morphing I Use It 5 Times And Change The Blue Color To Their Respectives ColorsJan 18, 2007

1567 viewsJan 18, 2007

Reverse Dimension Black Pantherzord813 viewsThe Pantherzord is the personal zord of the Black Ranger and is controlled by the sabre Saba. Has a warrior mode and can combine with the thunder zords to form the Mega PantherzordJan 17, 2007
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