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954 viewsDec 02, 2006

917 viewsDec 02, 2006

1068 viewsDec 02, 2006

1176 viewsDec 02, 2006

BoukenRed Accel Tector1266 viewsRangers Strike artworkNov 28, 2006

Secret Rangers: Supertrain Lightspeed Rangers1419 viewsThe Latest Technology at Lightspeed Rescue has brought you The Supertrain Rangers. The true owners of The Rail Rescues and the Supertrain Megazord. But who are they, are they Cyborg Rangers 2.0, are they new recruits, or are a power-up of the lightspeed rangers you know and love. You decide.Nov 26, 2006

Secret Ranger: Titan Ranger1371 viewsWhat if Tommy had met his brother in PR:MM instead of in PR:Z and what if Titanus had been discovered around the same time as well as a 7th Power Coin. Well heres what you'd get.
Morphing call: It's Morphing Time; Titanus.Nov 23, 2006

828 viewsNov 20, 2006

724 viewsNov 20, 2006

803 viewsNov 20, 2006

871 viewsNov 20, 2006

Secret Ranger: Pink Dinothunder Ranger1256 viewsIn an attempt to stop the other rangers from gaining control of the Stegazord, Trent/Evil White Ranger stole the dinogem of winds from Mesagog and using his own ranger energy created the Stega Morpher. The gem accidentaly ended up bonding with Cassidy Cornell creating the Pink Dinothunder Ranger. Like Trent she becomes evil but eventually joins the other rangers.
Morphing call: Pink Ranger Dino Power.
Suit template courtesy of Acatl at Rangerboard.
Nov 20, 2006
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