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Reverse Dimension Dynaman793 viewsFrom L to R: Dynagreen, Dynayellow, Dynaturquoise, Dynawhite, and DynablueOct 05, 2006

Reverse Dimension Bioman837 viewsFrom L to R: Turquoise 1, Lilac 2, Yellow 3, Blue 4, and Green 5Oct 05, 2006

Reverse Dimension Changeman759 viewsFrom L to R: Negative Phoenix, Negative Pegasus, Negative Dragon, Negative Griffin, and Negative MermaidOct 05, 2006

Reverse Dimension Flashman774 viewsFrom L to R: Yellow Flash, Green Flash, Turquoise Flash, Blue Flash, and Lilac FlashOct 05, 2006

Reverse Dimension Goranger881 viewsFrom L to R: Akadairanger, Aoranger, Takoiranger, Kiranger, and MidorangerOct 05, 2006

Reverse Dimension JAKQ759 viewsFrom L to R: Negative Heart Queen, Negative Spade Ace, Negative Big One, Negative Diamond Jack, and Negative Clover KingOct 05, 2006

Reverse Dimension Battle Fever J944 viewsFrom L to R: Negative America, Nevative Kenya, Negative Japan, Negative France, and Negative CossackOct 05, 2006

Reverse Dimension Denjiman814 viewsFrom L to R: Denjigreen, Denjiyellow, Denjiturquoise, Denjiblue, and DenjililacOct 05, 2006

Reverse Dimension Sun Vulcan857 viewsFrom L to R: Negative Shark, Negative Eagle, and Negative PantherOct 05, 2006

Wild Force Secret Rangers: Animus Rangers' weapons2226 viewsNo prizes for guessing where the idea came from.Oct 03, 2006

Wild Force Secret Rangers: Animus Rangers with Savage Battle Gear2974 viewsAnother shoutout to the toy line.
This is where I pretty much confirmed that the Animus Rangers are all men. Otherwise, nothing REALLY new here (those weapons aren't exactly my own design either)Oct 03, 2006

Wild Force Secret Rangers: Animus Rangers2378 viewsFrom left: Brass Sawfish, Cobalt Condor, Wrought-Iron Lion, Bronze Buffalo and Copper Leopard.
The additional armor is there to indicate that these Rangers have special priority (they're connected to Animus after all - one Ranger is enough to bring down a single monster) but those of you familiar with the toyline will know what the real deal is.Oct 03, 2006
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