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Evil 4EverGreen Tigerzord Ranger!599 viewsBecause even the best of the good people in this world have a dark side to them, so do I have a reverse counterpart in the negative dimension! With an evil mustache & an evil goatee, the negative Black TigerZord ranger tries to take over the world for his evil master Nodroz!Sep 24, 2006

Banjo, Blue Turbo Ranger!707 viewsSince anybody could've been a better Blue Turbo Ranger than Justin, I've decided to drive the point home by making Banjo the Bear video game character from the "Banjo-Kazooie" Video Game series replace Justin as the Blue Turbo Ranger! I'd sure like to see that happen for real!Sep 24, 2006

Zord Battle!622 viewsIn perhaps what is the most idiotic mistake of all Power Merchandise, the back of the card first calls the Dragonzord a Dinozord, then they say the Megazord DESTROYED the Dragonzord in battle! Who was RESPONSIBLE for writing that when they messed the description up?!Sep 24, 2006

Rita Repulsa!650 viewsThe card says she's an alien. No offense, but that is the most NON-alien Alien I've ever seen! I'm just saying.Sep 24, 2006

4Ever Mega Gray Zeo Ranger!598 viewsThis is the first custom Power Ranger that I have ever made! It's actually based on the rumor that Billy was going to become a Gray Zeo Ranger in "Power Rangers Zeo." So I took that concept & expanded it in order for me to become the Mega Gray Zeo Ranger! (And that's my helmet to the left!)Sep 23, 2006

Turquoise Coin!674 viewsThis is the coin the evil Nosaj uses to transform into the Negative Turquiose Tyranosaurus Ranger!Sep 23, 2006

Negative Team!959 viewsFrom left to right, Yllib the Yellow ranger, Mik the Teal ranger, Nosaj the Turquoise ranger, Inirt the Cyan ranger, & Kaz the White Ranger, fight for the evil mastermind Nodroz (Zordon with a goatee,) & his evil assistant Negative V Ahpla against the good witch Asluper Atir & her band of heroic outcasts!Sep 23, 2006

Negative-Dimension Zord 1!638 views(Note: the following story is fan fiction.) In one of Rita Repulsa's many plots against the Power Rangers, she zaps the hero's into a negative dimension where the negative versions of the Power Rangers are the bad guys, &the negative versions of Rita&her forces are good guys! This is the zord that the evil Inirt (Trini's negative) pilots to destroy the forces of good!Sep 23, 2006

tommy2365 viewswallpaper of the Rangers that Tommy has been over the yearsSep 22, 2006

tommy1152 viewsa more basic set up for Tommy's history as a Power RangerSep 22, 2006

Wild Force Secret Ranger - Whale Ranger2218 viewsWhen you give a Ranger the biggest Wild Zord ever, you gotta back it up with some major hardware. On top of the standard-issue Crystal Saber, the Whale Ranger gets the massive Whale Blaster, so heavy that the other Rangers can't use it unless they all carry it at once; and the Whale Ranger's personal minisub vehicle. The Whale Blaster also summons the Whale Zord with the help of the Crystal Saber and Whale animal crystal mounted together.Sep 19, 2006

Wild Force Secret Rangers: Whale Ranger Morph2755 viewsA world-weary old sailor finds kinship in a massive whale that frequents the trade routes of the Atlantic - but it's only through Wild Force that he learns of the shared destiny between him and the Whale Zord he always called friend, as the Wild Force Gray Ranger.Sep 19, 2006
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