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"4Ever Samurai Ranger!"569 viewsThis is the only time I am ever going to morph myself into a Ninja Storm Power Ranger as Cam's Power Ranger costume was the only one I liked from that entire series!Sep 14, 2006

"4Ever Big One!"746 viewsThis is the only Sentai morph of me that I've done so far, and it's of me in the Big One's power ranger costume. If anybody has ever wondered what I look like while morphing into various Power Ranger/Sentai Ranger costumes, now they have some kind of idea. 8)Sep 12, 2006

"4Ever Jason!"726 viewsI always wanted to do something like this. 8) Since my real name is Jason, I thought it would be very fitting to morph myself into the power that the character of Jason morphs himself into. And of course I gave myself the Dragon Shield as a prototype of a battlizer to help me out to! :DSep 12, 2006

"4Ever Tigerzord!"580 viewsIn case you can't tell, the symbol in the middle is supposed to be the Tigerzord. :OSep 12, 2006

"4Ever Dragonzord!"575 viewsSorry about the black outlines, it was the only way I could think of to distinguish between the Green Ranger and the green background. :idea:Sep 12, 2006

"4Ever Lost Galaxy!"576 viewsA little something I whipped up in my paint program of me morphing into the Red Lost Galaxy Ranger, enjoy! :DSep 12, 2006

Proposed Mystic Force Toyline - Legend Rangers1916 viewsMy idea for a new line of combining weapons.
Personally I like the switching-head figures a LOT, I just think the combining weapons needed work.Aug 26, 2006

Reverse Dimension Dairanger1278 viewsIn a parallell universe, the Rangers had lost their powers, and their Morphers been crushed, the evil wizard Zordon gave them the Aura Changers, and transformed to Reverse Dimesion Dairanger. From L to R: Turquoise Dragon Ranger (Rocky), Red-Orange Lion Ranger (Adam), Yellow Unicorn Ranger (Billy), Blue Griffin Ranger (Aisha), and Green Firebird Ranger (Kimberly).Aug 25, 2006

Reverse Dimension Ultrazord654 viewsThe Ultrazord is the combined form of the Mega Dragonzord and Titanus and is the Evil Power Rangers most powerful zord combination.Aug 23, 2006

Reverse Dimension Turquoise Dragon Thunderzord793 viewsWhen the Tyrannosaurus Zord was destroyed by one of Lord Zedd's monsters it was rebuilt and upgraded into the Turquoise Dragon Thunderzord. Can change into warrior mode and can combine with the other Thunderzords to form the Mega Thunderzord.Aug 23, 2006

Reverse Dimension Thunerzords690 viewsWhen the Dino Zords were destroyed by one of Lord Zedd's monsters, they were rebuilt and upgraded into Thunderzords: Mastodon became Lion, Pteradactyl became Icebird, Triceratops became Unicorn and Sabre Tooth Tiger became Griffin. Can form the Thunderzord Assault Team and can combine with the Turquoise Dragon to form the Mega Thunder ZordAug 23, 2006

Reverse Dimension Mega Thunderzord741 viewsThe combined form of the 5 Thunderzords, wields a new power sword.Aug 23, 2006
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