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Reverse Dimension Mighty Morphin Black Ranger1762 viewsIn a parallell universe, Tommy Oliver, the Pink Ranger lost his powers and left the other rangers. But when the other Rangers couldn't handle Lord Zedd, Zordon gave him the powers of the Black Panther and a enchanted (swearing) sabre called Saba.Aug 23, 2006
Reverse Dimension Dino Zords910 viewsThe Dino Zords are collosal dinosaur assault vehicles the Evil Mighty Morphin Rangers pilot to fight Giant Good Monsters. Can combine into a tank or the Megazord. Aug 23, 2006
Reverse Dimension Dragonzord693 viewsThe Dragonzord is the Pink Ranger's personal zord that he can summon by playing the Dragon Dagger. Can combine with Saber Tooth Tiger, Triceratops and Mastodon zords to form Dragonzord Fighting Mode.Aug 23, 2006
Reverse Dimension Megazord685 viewsThe Megazord is the combined form of the 5 Dino Zords. Armed with Mastodon Shield and Power Sword.Aug 23, 2006
Reverse Dimension Mega Dragonzord630 viewsThe combined form of the Reverse Dimension Megazord and the Reverse Dimension DragonzordAug 23, 2006
Reverse Dimension Titanus581 viewsTitanus is the evil Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Carrier Zord. Aug 23, 2006
Reverse Dimension Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger1368 viewsIn a parallell universe Tommy Oliver was put under a spell by the good sorceress Rita Repulsa and given the Dragon Power Coin and the Sword of Light and became the good Pink Ranger. After the Sword of Light was destroyed Tommy became evil again and joined the Mighty Morphin Rangers. He would eventually loose his powers and leave the team. Aug 23, 2006
thuy trang1179 viewsAug 22, 2006
thuy trang1146 viewsAug 22, 2006
thuy trang1101 viewsAug 22, 2006
trini953 viewsAug 22, 2006
Megalodon Zord1729 viewsThe Megalodon Shark Zord is the mighty Ally of the Navy Cyber Claw Ranger. His legs can combine into a shark tail. He can become two surf jets for the Cyber Claw Megazord and the Arm for the Cyber Rage Megazord Anchor ModeAug 18, 2006
611 files on 51 page(s) 39