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White Maskman1420 viewsCreated for a fanfic known as Power Rangers Mission Space.
Also a much more fitting sixth ranger for MaskmanAug 03, 2006

Beast Zords2933 viewsHere the first scetch of the Beast Zords who combine into Beast Rage Megazord. Plz tell me what I could change on the design. I wanna hear some critic^^
Aug 02, 2006

Ultimate Green Ranger1196 viewsMy brother drew this. He's in art school so... anyways, take a look. please give comments.Jul 28, 2006

Power Rangers Magnum Thunder3989 viewsMy Idea for a Power Ranger series based off of Dairanger and set in an alternate universe.
About the Name: Magnum is a mispelling of Magna meaning Great ( Dairanger means Great Ranger) and Thunder ( Kiden Juu from Dairanger become Thunder Zords in Power Rangers MM season 2).
Rangers : Rocky Desantos, Justin Stewart (Blue Ranger in PR:T), Adam Park, Aisha Campbell, Katherine Hillard and David Trueheart (Tommy's brother from Pr:Z).Jun 20, 2006

Reverse Dimension Mighty Morphin Green Ranger1533 viewsIn a parallell universe Kimberly Hart was given the Pteradactyl power coin by the evil wizard Zordon to become the evil Green Ranger to battle the good sorceress Rita Repulsa.
Jun 18, 2006

Reverse Dimension Mighty Morphin White Ranger1253 viewsIn a parallell universe Zack Taylor was given the Matodon power coin by the evil wizard Zordon to become the evil White Ranger to battle the good sorceress Rita Repulsa.
Jun 18, 2006

Toy Concept Art: DX BoukenYellow & GoGoDozer and BoukenPink & GoGoMarine Sets1895 viewsThis year the ladies got screwed over in the DX figures department, hence this pic.Jun 13, 2006

Reverse Dimension Power Rangers Mighty Morphin1022 viewsIn a parallel universe the evil wizard Zordon and his minion Alpha summoned 5 teenagers from Devils Grove giving them the Power Coins allowing them to become the evil Power Rangers to defeat the good sorceress Rita Repulsa.Jun 08, 2006

Reverse Dimension Turquoise Mighty Morphin Ranger1282 viewsIn a parallell universe Jaon Lee Scott was given the Tyrannosaurus power coin by the evil wizard Zordon to become the evil Turquoise Ranger to battle the good sorceress Rita Repulsa.Jun 08, 2006

Reverse Dimension Blue Mighty Morphin Ranger1613 viewsIn a parallell universe Trini Kwan was given the Sabre Tooth Tiger power coin by the evil wizard Zordon to become the evil Blue Ranger to battle the good sorceress Rita Repulsa.Jun 08, 2006

Reverse Dimension Yellow Mighty Morphin Ranger1448 viewsIn a parallell universe Billy Cranston was given the Triceratops power coin by the evil wizard Zordon to become the Evil Yellow Ranger to battle the good sorceress Rita Repulsa.Jun 08, 2006

Liveman vs Maskman967 viewsJun 03, 2006
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