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retromegazord896 viewseste es mi modelo de como pudo ser un megazord para los retro rengar ( adam, tori, kira, xander y bridge) en power rangers operacion sobrecarga en su teamup del 15 aniversario
lo hice con algunas fotos de sus respectivos zords
this is my idea of my retromegazord, this could be the zord of the retro rangers( adam, tori, kira, xander and bridge) in power rangers operation overdrive in once a ranger teamup 15th anniversaryJan 11, 2009

What if Jason had the new morph in Forever Red like Adam did in Once a Ranger?1167 viewsJan 01, 2009

2010 Power Rangers Red Ranger728 viewsJan 01, 2009

MMPR All Grown Up1257 viewsJan 01, 2009

Gameland827 viewsThis is a Brazilian web comic series, being a spinoff of the "Combo Rangers". The three heroes in that series are:
Michael: brown-haired and he wears green
Beto: red-haired and he wears red
Lia: blonde-haired and she wears blueDec 10, 2008

My Banner Power Rangers RPM1449 viewsInteresting that banner, this will be done for a future site ... who knows?Dec 05, 2008

Spirit Rangers Normal Form1710 viewsbased on toys for Power Rangers Jungle Fury.Dec 05, 2008

Jetman with 6th Ranger: Jet Eagle Green???2486 viewsOct 26, 2008

6th Turbo Ranger: Speed Shadow1236 viewsOct 26, 2008

SPD Omega Ranger ACATL ACT VERSION1148 viewsOct 26, 2008

767 viewsSep 28, 2008

Jason1120 viewsThis was made by a friend of mine, who wishes to remain anonymous.Sep 14, 2008
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