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All 20 red Power Rangers_by Howk1845 views

Wild Force: Super Bison and Super Eagle Zords1834 viewsSo we all know how the Wild Force Lion Zord expanded to eight times its size just to form the Pegasus Megazord - what if the other four Zords also had that ability?
For starters, I've expanded just the Bison and Eagle. The Bison obviously fills the same role it already had, as the lower body - the Eagle not only forms wings but adds its talons to the Megazord's feet. Also in this pic is a quick drawing of what the Condor from Animus would look like as a Megazord head.


Wes Collins, The new Bio Masked Rider1825 views

Power Rangers SPD X-Squad Pink1820 viewsThis was made for me by Incinerator.

The S.P.D. Rangers I made1817 viewsI went to and made these S.P.D. rangers. please give suggestions.

Garo Armored Fearcat1814 views

Ninja Storm Secret Rangers 21803 viewsYeah, this was what I meant.

Red Megabattle Ranger1801 views


Power Rangers Zeo - Bruce Timm Style1793 viewstitle says it all

what my ideal power ranger game would look like1787 viewsthis what my ideal power ranger game would look like
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