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Trini, female body_by Howk1784 views

Chibi Liveman Wallpaper1778 views1024x768

Reverse Dimension Mighty Morphin Black Ranger1761 viewsIn a parallell universe, Tommy Oliver, the Pink Ranger lost his powers and left the other rangers. But when the other Rangers couldn't handle Lord Zedd, Zordon gave him the powers of the Black Panther and a enchanted (swearing) sabre called Saba.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Bruce Timm Style1743 viewstitle says it all

Megalodon Zord1728 viewsThe Megalodon Shark Zord is the mighty Ally of the Navy Cyber Claw Ranger. His legs can combine into a shark tail. He can become two surf jets for the Cyber Claw Megazord and the Arm for the Cyber Rage Megazord Anchor Mode

Power Rangers Den-O (Time Force Generation)1723 views


Spirit Rangers Normal Form1710 viewsbased on toys for Power Rangers Jungle Fury.

Red Mighty Morphin Ranger Battilized (Dragon)1700 views

Dino thunder + Other Rangers = Jungle Fury1682 views***


Jason as the White Dino Ranger1681 viewsWouldn't this be cooler instead of Trent being White Ranger.
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