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Kimberly1300 viewsPink Power Ranger

command center1299 viewsphotoshped the building onto the cliff just as it was in mmpr.


Rocky1289 viewsRed Power Ranger

White Rangers Trent and Udonna1288 viewsTrent and Udonna zwinky style. I gave Udonna snowballs for her power and for fun.

Reverse Dimension Turquoise Mighty Morphin Ranger1283 viewsIn a parallell universe Jaon Lee Scott was given the Tyrannosaurus power coin by the evil wizard Zordon to become the evil Turquoise Ranger to battle the good sorceress Rita Repulsa.

Turbo Movie1282 viewsTell Me What Y'all Think?

Reverse Dimension Dairanger1279 viewsIn a parallell universe, the Rangers had lost their powers, and their Morphers been crushed, the evil wizard Zordon gave them the Aura Changers, and transformed to Reverse Dimesion Dairanger. From L to R: Turquoise Dragon Ranger (Rocky), Red-Orange Lion Ranger (Adam), Yellow Unicorn Ranger (Billy), Blue Griffin Ranger (Aisha), and Green Firebird Ranger (Kimberly).

Dino Thunder Rangers and Jungle Fury Rangers1275 viewsImagine a team up enter this two Power Rangers.

mcdonalds promotional art1269 viewsthis is a wallpaper I made out of the promotional art from the recent PR happy meal toy line

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