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4EverGreen's Secret Shogun Rangers!943 viewsSince Aaron Hong makes secret Rangers of his own, I'd thought I'd give a shot at making my own! The Secret Shogun Rangers are the true masters of the Shogun Zords, and their ranger powers are similar to their zords powers! Also, the 3 left hand bottom rangers are Triforians who combine to form the Mega Shogun Falcon Ranger! That's all you need to know!


Zedd941 viewssketched on paper, scanned, then photoshopted a bit.

just a simple repaint941 views


me looking good is lionranger suit939 viewsohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

serpintara1938 viewsSince I haven't uploaded in awhile i thought i might share with you a stylized background for display figures, if you want the higher res for actual display let me know


ranger czerwonej litwy936 views

Toy Concept: Styraco Ranger Chariot932 viewsHere's an idea that's spent far too much time on the backburner. Five years, in fact.

Goranger chibi924 views
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