Most viewed - Fan Art |

Reverse Dimension Megazord685 viewsThe Megazord is the combined form of the 5 Dino Zords. Armed with Mastodon Shield and Power Sword.

PROO Logo Without Aura685 viewsThis Is The Operation Oerdrive Logo Without The Orange-Red Aura
Date added=Feb 03, 2007 VIEWINGGLOBE-prspd-1-786[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10249/thumb_VIEWINGGLOBE-prspd-1-786%5B1%5D.jpg)
SPD Green!!684 viewsI Put The Light And Color To This Photo


Turquoise Coin!674 viewsThis is the coin the evil Nosaj uses to transform into the Negative Turquiose Tyranosaurus Ranger!


Reverse Dimension Ultrazord654 viewsThe Ultrazord is the combined form of the Mega Dragonzord and Titanus and is the Evil Power Rangers most powerful zord combination.

Mack654 viewsMack wallpaper with ranger form

Rita Repulsa!650 viewsThe card says she's an alien. No offense, but that is the most NON-alien Alien I've ever seen! I'm just saying.

Thuy trang as kali650 viewsI made this.

Reverse Dimension Tor643 viewsThe 2nd Carrier Zord of the Evil Mighty Morphin Rangers. Can combine with the Thunder Zorda and the Black Panther Zord to form The Thunder Ultra Zord.

Negative-Dimension Zord 1!638 views(Note: the following story is fan fiction.) In one of Rita Repulsa's many plots against the Power Rangers, she zaps the hero's into a negative dimension where the negative versions of the Power Rangers are the bad guys, &the negative versions of Rita&her forces are good guys! This is the zord that the evil Inirt (Trini's negative) pilots to destroy the forces of good!
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