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"4Ever Lost Galaxy!"574 viewsA little something I whipped up in my paint program of me morphing into the Red Lost Galaxy Ranger, enjoy! :D

"4Ever Dragonzord!"574 viewsSorry about the black outlines, it was the only way I could think of to distinguish between the Green Ranger and the green background. :idea:

Mugen Ranger573 viewsThis is the Ranger of Dai Mugen. I was hoping that someone could make him and the other four as live-action pictures.

Evil 4Ever Big One!572 viewsUnlike the positive 4Ever Big One who derives his powers from the positive end of the color spectrum, the negative 4Ever Big One derives his powers from the negative end of the color spectrum, in order to destroy the forces of good!

Evil 4EverGreen Tyranosaurus Ranger!569 viewsAfter the negative 4EverGreen temporarily steals Negative Ymmot's Negative Dragonzord powers, he uses them for his own to become even more powerful & more evil than he's ever been before!

"4Ever Samurai Ranger!"568 viewsThis is the only time I am ever going to morph myself into a Ninja Storm Power Ranger as Cam's Power Ranger costume was the only one I liked from that entire series!

Negative Finster!567 viewsUnlike Finster in the positive universe, Retsnif is self-serving & only thinks of overthrowing the good witch Asluper Atir & setting up an empire all over the universe! Retsnif even made a potion to make Radlog (Goldar's Negative,) & Aniprocs (Scorpina's Negative,) to obey only Retsnif & purposely throw their fights against the Negative Mighty Morphin Power Rangers!

Negative Shellshock!539 viewsOne of many heroic outcasts Asluper Atir's loyal helpers Oobab & Tauqs made to try to stop the Negative Mighty Morphin Power Rangers from spreading any more evil on negative Earth! Unfortunately, despite the many special abilities Cohslehs had, he was still killed by the Negative Mighty Morphin Power Rangers!

Kiba Ranger531 viewsDai Tiger (White Tiger Ranger) Alternate look. I was hoping someone could design a Live action picture of him.

Mugen Ranger524 viewsDai Mugen's Ranger if he had one. I was hoping someone could design a Live action picture of him.

Mugen Ranger502 viewsThis is the Ranger of Dai Mugen. I was hoping that someone could make him and the other four as live-action pictures.
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