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GoseiGreen (promo style)11872 viewsI realized there aren't many pictures of GoseiGreen that look unique, so I made this. GoseiGreen with his own pose (combined multiple pics instead of just greening Blue).

Battle Grid Troopers (season 2)7765 viewsWhat If Ryan got a new Battle Grid suit in season 2 based on his Shaider armor.

Battle Grid Ryan (season 2) helmet.7280 viewsSame with the last one here's ryan's battle grid helmet.

Power Rangers 2 Orion Thunder FAN MADE7268 views

Power Rangers Super Samurai: Jayden Shogun Mode7008 views

30 Red Rangers!5896 viewsAnd the black, blue, yellow, pink boukenger.

DinoThunder Rangers5148 viewsI made these rangers on tell if u like them or not. Please.

3d Zordon4919 views

Omega Ranger with SWAT Mode4642 views

Power Rangers Zeo: The Movie4593 viewsThis is a poster that tells about a new Power Rangers movie. I'm not sure if they were inferring that there would be a "Zeo" movie, or if it was an early ad for the "Turbo" movie.

Power Rangers Magnum Thunder3990 viewsMy Idea for a Power Ranger series based off of Dairanger and set in an alternate universe.
About the Name: Magnum is a mispelling of Magna meaning Great ( Dairanger means Great Ranger) and Thunder ( Kiden Juu from Dairanger become Thunder Zords in Power Rangers MM season 2).
Rangers : Rocky Desantos, Justin Stewart (Blue Ranger in PR:T), Adam Park, Aisha Campbell, Katherine Hillard and David Trueheart (Tommy's brother from Pr:Z).

Green Alien Ranger - Billy uses power of Green Dragon Power Coin3766 views
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