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DekaBlast - Blast Buggy Ranger1653 viewsDrawn on a train ride and partly colored in, the first Secret Ranger I've done in a long time. Instead of the Braythrottle, we have a new morpher called the Blasshifter, a wrist-mounted gearshift that sends our senior Tokukyou's left fist into different speeds.

BOUKENGER!!1649 viewsTell Me What You Think Of This Banner

1633 viewsWhat if Jason would gain the Green ranger powers at the end of season 2 or suring season 3...


If we have Ninja Storm vs. Wild Force...1631 viewsAccording to Saagain morphs into GaoYellow in the Hurricanger vs. Gaoranger.

Secret Rangers: Delta Flyer Rangers1630 viewsOriginally designed as a new series of figures, before I started forgettng to draw in the joints. :( Anyways, here's five Rangers based directly off the Delta Flyers/PatoWingers that form the SWAT Megazord/DekaWingRobo. Also shown is the combo weapon formed by the Rangers' oversized blasters (and one jetpack), a closeup of the flight vest's pilot gear in action, and a Delta Flyer version of Red's Delta Blasters.


Dragon Ninja Warrior Shogunzord1626 views

Reverse Dimension Blue Mighty Morphin Ranger1619 viewsIn a parallell universe Trini Kwan was given the Sabre Tooth Tiger power coin by the evil wizard Zordon to become the evil Blue Ranger to battle the good sorceress Rita Repulsa.

Mystic Force Proposed Toy Line 21613 viewsNot the actual Barikion/Catastros, just a vehicle-sized replica for all Rangers that copies the BariJavelin weapon and the space in the front for Centaur mode. Maybe throw in a missile-launching Magi Staff for good measure.

Dragon Ninja Warrior Battleborg1611 views

The Neo Power Rangers1605 viewsThe new team of power rangers on earth, there powers are given by Dimitria and Alpha 5 who have returned to planet earth to stop a new evil threat.
These are the Neo Power Rangers; who harness the powers of the elements, which are locked inside galactic gemstones and are put in a power morpher similair to that of the original MMPR.
From left to right;
Red Pyro ranger, Blue Aqua ranger, Black Geo ranger, Yellow Lightning ranger, Pink Aerial ranger, Green Street/Forest ranger, White Arctic ranger
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