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1334 viewsZyuranger Morpher, Morpher coins, and Armed Tranno.

SPD - Red1333 viewsJust a nifty wallpaper I made for myself. Use it if you want to.


Pai Rangers1330 viewsAn all-girl Sentai?!

Chibi Sentai Cards1328 viewsSun Vulcan-Dynaman, Changeman-Fiveman

Power Of Side-Ponytail!1326 viewsMisty From Pokemon As The Blue Wind Ranger From Ninja Storm.

Magna_Defender_Ranger_Mode1325 views


Overdrive Trackers1323 views

Another Billy Evolution1323 views

Aaron's Secret Rangers: Boukenger/Operation Overdrive Rescue Team1322 viewsBack in Boukenger, Satoru was originally first in line for the GoGo Changer and the job of driving SirenBuilder. Also, Satoru together with Souta and Skaura were the three resident Rangers before Masumi and Natsuki showed up. Since SirenBuilder came with three zords, this can only mean one thing: Satoru, Souta and Sakura were supposed to drive SirenBuilder all along.
With this in mind I give you SirenRed, SirenBlue and SirenPink, based on the SirenBuilder vehicles.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Bruce Timm Style - Shield Swap1316 viewsThe swapping of the Dragon Shield
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