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Flashman vs Changeman818 views

Final Collage818 viewsThe title says it all, this shall be the last collage I ever submit into this website, I hope you will enjoy looking at all the merchandise that I have collected revolving around the "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers!"


Reverse Dimension Denjiman817 viewsFrom L to R: Denjigreen, Denjiyellow, Denjiturquoise, Denjiblue, and Denjililac

The first of Aaron Hong's 'Boromir' tribute pics816 viewsLike some buggers who don't know when to quit, Boromir was killed off in the first movie but gets footage in the next two anyways, more so if you've seen the Extended Editions. Stay tuned for more.

Reverse Dimension Black Pantherzord814 viewsThe Pantherzord is the personal zord of the Black Ranger and is controlled by the sabre Saba. Has a warrior mode and can combine with the thunder zords to form the Mega Pantherzord

Shogunzord Down813 viewsafter an attack by the blue blobber the shogunzord goes down

PRDT with 5/6 rangers811 viewsMe Dino Thunder figures; for the skirt, I had to carefully peel the skirt off on of me spare figures and place it on this Yellow Ranger.

Operation Overdrive!!810 views

Fun Bootlegs810 viewsThis one just hurts lol

This ain't a scene!810 viewsSome Green Ranger that came out of nowhere wasn't the only one doing this kind of thing, here's the pink guy blowing his horn while standing on top of a ball.

Korrag -the Knight Wolf809 viewswith dark magic seal
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