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Finster!590 viewsYou know, I feel really sorry for Finster. He works long hours day & night, and never once does he ever hear Rita Repulsa thanking him for all his hard work! I bet Finster wishes he had joined a better line of work!

Shellshock!590 viewsThis is by the way, the American version of Shellshock, not the Sentai one. When the Sentai Shellshock grows giant, Shellshock looks very different from what he looks like right here!

Rider Wars part 2587 viewsAfter destroying Knight, Momotaros decided to take out Verde next.


584 viewsYou're not welcome here.


Reverse Dimension Titanus581 viewsTitanus is the evil Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Carrier Zord.

"4Ever Tigerzord!"580 viewsIn case you can't tell, the symbol in the middle is supposed to be the Tigerzord. :O

axe mode580 views



Negative Rita!576 viewsAt the same time Rita Repulsa was casting the positive Power Rangers into the negative universe, the good sorceress Asluper Atir was trying to draw the positive Power Rangers into the negative universe in order to stop the negative Power Rangers from causing any more damage to Earth, before all hope is lost!
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