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Sam SWAT Mode1240 views     (6 votes)

Secret Rangers: Delta Flyer Rangers1629 viewsOriginally designed as a new series of figures, before I started forgettng to draw in the joints. :( Anyways, here's five Rangers based directly off the Delta Flyers/PatoWingers that form the SWAT Megazord/DekaWingRobo. Also shown is the combo weapon formed by the Rangers' oversized blasters (and one jetpack), a closeup of the flight vest's pilot gear in action, and a Delta Flyer version of Red's Delta Blasters.     (3 votes)

Lion King Ripoff1056 views     (3 votes)

Red Jetman Battilizer1040 views     (5 votes)

Dragon Ninja Warrior Battleborg1610 views     (5 votes)

Kimberly1300 viewsPink Power Ranger     (7 votes)

Reverse Dimension Yellow Mighty Morphin Ranger1448 viewsIn a parallell universe Billy Cranston was given the Triceratops power coin by the evil wizard Zordon to become the Evil Yellow Ranger to battle the good sorceress Rita Repulsa.     (16 votes)
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